@$??Marapets Survey$??@

15 years, 4 months & 16 days ago
28th Oct 2009 06:01Name:GothicChic123(Alex)
Hair Colour:Brunnette
Dream Pet

Style:Retro Rocker
Fave Daily:Arciology dig site
Fave Loacation:Giant paradise
Fave Character:Rusty Twins
Hobbies:Swimming,Laughing,Hanging with my sisters,writing Stories and Reading
Bff on marapets:Cupcake789
BF on marapets

Most likely to be:At the Auctions
bidding away
Party you would vote for:Money
Club:V.I.A.P (Very.Important.Active.People)
Club rating and reason 10/10: 10/10 cause rare giveaways
Active/All the time,sometimes,never:All the time
Staff/Never on,helpful,extreamly kind:extreamly kind
If you could pick any simerian key what would it be:#1!
If you could pick any costume what would it be: Midnight
If you could pick any daily to not take_____hours to go(whenever you want) back onto what would it
be:Simieran dig
If you could have any potion what would it be:Chibs
Item you mostly get everyday:Keys and plushies
Item you are collecting now

What you are wearing now:Black dress and pumps
What hairstyle are you wearing now:short pigtails
Type of computer do you use:Acer laptop
Thnx for reading my survey you copy this and awnser them your self the post them down in the comments.