secrets of the rich and fashionable

15 years, 4 months & 29 days ago
17th Oct 2009 16:19these are a few rules that i use to stay fashionable, and to keep my money safe.
1.try not to use patterns too often.
2.if you do use a pattern, then blend it with a solid color shirt/ other clothing.
3.many people say that you need to not match the shoes with the dress, shirt, or skirt, but they are WRONG. go ahead and match them, as long as they are a solid color.
1.never have any more than 100000mp in your account, keep it in a bank account with a PIN#, and never, ever tell anyone your pin #.
2. the reason why it's smart to have a bank account is so that if someone hacks on to your account, they cannot hack onto your bank account without a pin#( and by the way, a pin# is the number that you type in to withdraw or deposit money)
3.always check the auctions, because there might be something really cheap that you can put in your store, right?
last but not least, DONT SHOP TO MUCH!!!!!