R.I.P Luger

15 years, 5 months & 11 days ago
3rd Oct 2009 17:07Rest in peace Luger.
Luger was my German Shepard.I have had him since I was a baby.I used to crawl up to him and lay against his stomach and take naps in there while he licked my face.He was my best friend.I would tell him my problems with friends or anything and he would lick me and sit there listening.I had him until he was 11 years old and died from a bloat.
I would play tug-of-war with him and of course he would always win.When I was in second grade whenever I got home I would take him on walks.He was huge and he was taller than me.Everyone thought he would eat me.But he didn't,he protected me from any danger.
I loved when he would jump on my lap to get a belly rub.I loved seeing him running around the yard playing fetch(he wasnt the best,he didnt know how to give it back).
I love you baby and will miss you.