What animal fits YOU?

15 years, 6 months & 21 days ago
24th Aug 2009 13:34What animal fits you just right? Take this quiz to find out! The quiz starts NOW!!!!
1. How much space do you have outdoors for a pet?
A. Lots! WAY more than my house!
B. A bit more than your house
C. about the same
D. Less than my house.
E. what? I don't have a backyard!
2. How often do you go on vacations?
A. NEVER! Nice cozy home!
B. I go out of town to visit my relitives, but always in the same state!
C. Once every few years
D. At least once a year
E. ALWAYS! Travel travel travel!
3. How many classes do you do after school?
A. None, I like to stay home!
B. I like to go to my friend's house. That's about it!
C. 1 or two
D. about three
E.LOTS! Almost all of them!
4. How much do you have time to take a pet to the doctor?
A. ALL the time!
B. A lot, mostly, we're home!
C. ummmm, about half of the day we're home!
D. A few hours really. We have to do lot's of stuff out of the house!
E. An hour or fewer. We have LOTS and LOTS of things to do out of the house!
5. (last one!

Hiw much can your family afford a pet?
A. 5,000 or more. We're almost RICH!
B. a few thousand.
C. A thousand
D. a hundred
E. less than 100.
Thanks for taking the quiz! Please comment!
If you got most A's you can have a HORSE!
If you got most B's you should get a Dog or cat.
If you got most C's you could get a bird!
If you got most D's you should get a Ginnypig or any other small animal
If you ggot most C's, a fish is a perfect thing for you!