
15 years, 7 months & 13 days ago
31st Jul 2009 14:30LIKES/DISLIKES
Favorite color- Blue
Worst Color- Don't know..
Favorite number- 89
Favorite Animal- Don't have one.
Least favorite animal- Birds. I'm deathly afraid of birds.
Favorite flower- I don't really have one.
Favorite Food- Mac & cheese =D
Worst food- Vegetables
Favorite restaraunt- Olive Garden
Favorite ice cream flavor- Chocolate
Favorite candy- Dark chocolate
Favorite genre of music- rock/alternative
Worst genre- country
Favorite band/artist- All Time Low
Worst band/artist- Miley Cyrus/Jonas Brothers
Favorite song- Hello Brooklyn by ATL
Worst song- anything by Miley or Jonas Brothers
Favorite radio station- 92.5
Favorite book- Don't have one..
Worst book- Twilight
Worst type of movie- all these God-awful Disney Channel movies
Favorite Movie- Transformers?
Worst movie ever- HSM
Favorite TV show- Rob Dyrdek's Fantasy Factory
Worst TV show- Hannah Montana/Jonas
Favorite season of the year- Summer and winter
Worst season- Fall
Best friend- Desiree
Worst enemy- I can't say I have one
Favorite day of the week- Saturday
Least favorite day of the week- Monday
Favorite sport- Snowboarding
Sport you hate- Golf
One thing you cant get enough of- Music
One thing you hate more than anything- Working. haha XD
Sunny or rainy: rainy--I love the rain
Chocolate or vanilla: chocolate
Fruit or veggie: fruit---I hate vegatables
Night or day: Day
Sour or sweet: sweet
Love or money: it's always one or the other, sadly
Phone or in person: depends
Poor & happy or rich & miserable: again, it always seems to be one or the other, huh?
Looks or personality: my God, can't it be both for once?
Coffee or tea: Neither
Hot or cold: cold
Do you Like Valentine's Day or Sweetest Day?- what the hell's Sweetest Day?
DO YOU...?
Dance in the rain: Yup
Smoke: never
Drink: Nope
Shower daily: Yea.
Like thunderstorms: Very much.
Curse: Maybe...
Sing: In my bedroom. lol
Play an instrument: Electric guitar
Think you are good looking: Sure
Get along with your parents: Sometimes..
Laughed for no reason?- oh yes
Been caught doing something you weren't supposed to do?- Yea.
Fired a gun?- No.
Been drunk?- Nope
Been beaten up?- no
Shoplifted?- no
Drank alcohol?- no
Gone to a mall?- Yes
Eaten a box of Oreos?- no
Eaten sushi?- eww.
Been on stage?- no
Been dumped?- no
Gone skinny dipping?- no
Thing you've said?- Ewww. No! Haha.
Song you've listened to?- Good Girls Go Bad
(Who was the last) person you've spoken to on the phone?- Desiree
Movie you watched?- Harry Potter.
Thing you were doing before this?- I don't remember.
Time you cried?- it's been a while
Song you've sang?- Break your little heart by atl.
Time you looked at the clock?- I looked at the clock a few moments ago.
Food and drink you've had?- Water and a cookie.
Flavor of gum you've chewed?- Idk...
Shoes you've worn?- flip-flops
Store you've been in?- Lowes
Shy?- sometimes
Talkative?- very much
Energetic?- Yea.
Happy?- very
Depressed?- not at all
Funny?- some might say so
Boring?- a bit, perhaps
Mean?- depends
Nice?- quite
Caring?- I guess.
Trustworthy?- yes
Confident?- extremely
Friendly?- too
Smart?- quite (:
Sarcastic?- at times
Dependable?- yes
Quiet?- sometimes
Weird?- very
Strong (emotionally)?- kinda
Strong (physically)?- a little
Mature?- I think so
Logical?- yea
Indesicive?- somewhat
Sympathetic?- depends
Polite?- extremely
Creative?- yes
Fun to be around?- I hope so
Loveable?- depends on whom you are speaking to, I would think
Easily amused?- definately
Outgoing?- maybe
Daring?- sorta
Clumsy?- quite
Nosy?- yes
Lazy?- at times
Scary?- I don't think so
Optimistic?- yes
Persuasive?- sadly, no
A good listener?-good listener; better talker
Curious?- very much so
Determined?- I think so
Artistic?- very
Honest?- unless it is necessary to be anything other than
Respectful?- very
Concieted?- no
Controlling?- Maybe
Playful?- I suppose, in a way
Easygoing?- somewhat
Carefree?- not quite
Hot-Headed?- no
Serious?- somewhat
Thoughtful?- yes
Judgemental?- somewhat
Considerate?- yes
Stubborn?- Very.
Romantic?- I do my best XD
Ambitious?- yes
Jealous?- depends on whom we are speaking of
Insecure?- depends on the situation
Obsessive?- too much so
Attentive?- I am far too distracted
Helpful?- I can be
Punctual?- not really
Sincere?- quite
Tolerant?- depends
Can you whistle: no
Right- or left-handed: Right.
Your bedtime: whenever I feel sleepy
3 things you can't live without: just 3?
Color of your room: blue,green,and purple
Middle name: Ann
Nicknames: Kenzie
If you could be anywhere right now where would you be: Chicago
Are you afraid of the dark: No
Are you tan or pale: I'm in between I guess
Have you ever kissed anyone: Maybe..
Do you eat meat? yup