so true, so true

15 years, 7 months & 24 days ago
23rd Jul 2009 12:13Part one:
My Worst Nightmare
I had to sneak out of my house. Charlie was making me do the dishes, again! Damn him. Damn him to hell.
There was one place I knew I wanted to be. At my smokalicious-hot-vampire-boyfriend. He was just such a comfort to me. And so HOT. I couldn't wait to start making out with him. Or better...
I pulled my red Chevy into the Cullens' garage, where Alice's yellow porche sat. It was better than my piece of crap. Maybe I could jack it.
I walked up to the front porch and barged in the house. My muddy boots left tracks in the white carpet. I saw Esme give me a dirty look as I passed. Stupid old lady. I was the fuggin' human here. I'm the special one.
It took a second to realize that Edward hadn't come up to worship me as usual. I searched all around the house.
"EDWARD! EDDIE, GET OVER HERE!" There was no answer.
Strange. I began to search all around the house. A few minutes later, I saw tiny Alice standing in front of the bathroom door.
"Come on Edward!" she cried,"It shouldn't take you this long!"
I stopped and headed towards Alice's direction. Her pointy shoulders froze and her eyes widened.
"Alice, is Edward in there?" I asked.
"Bella! Well, yes. But I don't think you should go in right now. He's very busy and-"
I didn't let her finish. There was a loud crash as I pushed her aside. The door thudded open.
I gasped.
My whole body froze as I slowly took in what was inside.
Edward stood over the sink. In his hand was cherry-red lip gloss. It rubbed back and forth across his lower lip. A dozen cosmetic materials sprayed out in front of him.
My reflexion caught in the mirror, and Edward dropped the lipstick. His glossed-up lips popped open.
"Bella!" he cried,"You're here. Ok, love, I was just-"
"Eddie-poo," I interupted,"What were you just doing?"
There was no response.
"Edward," I said a little louder,"Were you just putting on makeup?!"
Rosalie came around the corner, laughing like a hyena. There was still no response from Edward.
"EDWARD!" I screamed," GO TO THE SINK, NOW!"
He obeyed, as usual.
I grabbed a handcloth and wet it under the faucet. Holding his head steady, I wiped the cloth all over his glossy face, which got rougher as more makeup was removed.
When every speck of gunk was gone, I lifted my head to look at his face.
I wanted to die.
His perfect face, the core of my existense, was ruined. Edward was, dare I say it, hideous.
With all of the cover-up removed, Edward's pearly complextion was replaced with a sweep of monsterous purple and red acne. His nose was a bumpy mess, with bones sticking out everywhere. Those golden eyes I'd loved were just orange specks.
Edward stood still as I analyzed his true self. His outburst broke the silence.
Edward flexed his perfect muscles, the only beautiful part left on his body. He grabbed a needle, and right after flexing once more, he shoved the needle in. They popped. He did the same with his other arm and belly. Fake muscles, just cheap balloons. Edward was really a skinny dill-hole.
I looked at my once perfect vampire, with every feature I loved gone. Well, except his personality, maybe. But who really cared about that stuff? I couldn't love him anymore.
I didn't love him anymore.
Sudden fury swept over me as I realized something: He let me kiss him!
"Fine," Edward responded after a while,"Then I guess you should know another secret I've been hiding from you, ALL of you."
Alice's breath caught. Rosalie stopped laughing.
We all waited in anticipation.
Huh? No, no, no, no. I couldn't process this information.
"What?!" Alice and Rose both said at the same time.
"Yeah, that's right world. I'm g/ay, and very proud! You should've known, Alice! Watching me try on your tutu skirts every day, dancing ballet. There's still one more thing I need to tell you guys!" He snickered.
"Well, spill!" Rosalie spat.
Edward paused, teasing us, then cried,"I'M IN LOVE WITH JACOB BLACK!"
I didn't want to believe any of this. Edward wasn't hot? He won't do my bidding, anymore? He's g/ay!?
Suddenly, Jake appeared in front of the bathroom door. (What the hell....)
"I'm in love with you, too!" he shouted with pure joy.
Damn, my Plan B was taken.
Everyone was silent as the two smiled at eachother.
"Well then, Jacob Black," Edward walked over to him and knelt on one knee.
Oh no.
"I promise to love you with all my heart, for the rest of eternity, will you marry me?"
Jacob squealed like a little girl.
"Of course, Eddie!"
And with that, Edward jumped into Jacob's big arms, and they ran off together to the nearest church. Edward changed into one of Rosalie's gowns.
Too much to handle. A weight was pulling me down under. I fell to the floor, which smelled of urine, and my eyes snapped shut.
Well, at least Mike was still available.
Part two:
Edward and Jacob were now officially married. Psh, WHATEVER. I would find my own husband that was hotter than those dillholes.
There was one person left that still wanted me. He was cute, and that's all that mattered. The one and only MIKE! There was still hope between me and him. I could imagine the looks on their ugly little faces when I brought home the hottest boy in town......
I chuckled. I needed to get Mike. Now.
Edward and Jake were feeding eachother grapes in the frontyard. As I walked out, I caught some of the gooey crap they were talking.
"Oh, Eddie-Poo, that dress makes you look so SEXY!"
"Well Jakers, I might look fine, but you are just DELICIOUS in that suit! I want to gobble you up!"
Jacob started giggling and play slapping Edward.
"Oh, stop it!" he cried as he fed Edward more grapes.
They seemed oblivious to the loud puking noises I was making.
I ran to Alice's porche and hopped in. She left the keys in the ignition.
The engine revved and the car sped out of the driveway.
Strange, Mike wasn't home. I would've thought he'd be waiting for me, or something. I mean, I'm BELLA!
I drove back, dissapointed. I barged into the Cullen mansion and let out a piercing scream. Esme glared at me.
None of the other Cullens were home.
"ED?!JAKE!?ALICE?!ROSALIE?!" I shouted.
It took ten mintutes before I finally found Alice giggling to herself in front of the bathroom.
"Hey Alice, where is everyone?" I asked as I headed into the bathroom.
"Erm..Bella, don't go in there-"
I froze. This all seemed very familiar. Pushing Alice away(thud!I slammed the door open. A gasp escaped my lips.
Inside, Jacob was eating Mike's face.
They were making out.
"WHAT THE HELL!?" I shouted.
They looked up at me.
"Oops, hi Bella," said Mike.
"Don't talk to me Mike! You know Edward is going to kill you whne he finds out about this!"
Edward appeared in behind the sink.(How do people do that!
"It's ok Bella, we are three-waying! It's my turn next."
Ok, has this world gone mad? My whole family is suddenly taking the attention off of me and giving it to other people. This wasn't fair.
Well, no one loved me anymore. There was no point in life anymore.
Alice saw the troubles look on my face.
"Bella, what's going on in your mind?"
I smiled.
"Oh Alice, since no one loves me anymore, I'M GOING TO BECOME A SERIAL KILLER!"
So I grabbed some knifes from the kitchen, used some of Edward's makeup to draw lines on my face, and let out a huge Tarzan yell before I ran into the night.