a scary way to break up

15 years, 7 months & 22 days ago
22nd Jul 2009 13:05I also got this off someone it told me to OR ELSE!
Id??ntB??l????v??Th??s,ButIG??tCh??llBumpsASc??r??W????T??Br????kUp!D??N??tSt??p R????d??ngTh??sOrS??m??th??ngB??dW??llH??pp??n!!On??D????,S??r??hW??sW??lk??ng H??m??Fr??mSch????lWh??nH??rB????fr????ndDr??v??B??AndH??nk??dAtH??rT??G??tIn.Sh?? G??tInH??sC??rAndH??Dr??v??H??rT??Th??L??k??.H??rB????fr????ndS????dH??W??sG????ngT?? T??llH??rSm??th??ngV??r??Imp??rt??ntS??r??hC??uldH??v??Sw??rnH??W??sG????ngT?? Pr??p??s??. H??w??v??r,H??Fl??ck??dH??rOff, Push??dH??rInTh??L??k??And Y??ll??d "??mBr????k??ngUpW??thY??u,Y??urAwful.!! IH??t??Y??uAndITh??nkTh??t M????????Y??uSh??uldJustEndY??urL??f??! Dum?? .!!" H??L??ugh??dAndDr??v??Off. ItW??sAV??r??C??ldD????. S??r??hCl??m????dOutOfTh??L??k??,Fr????z??ngC??ld,And F????l??ngTh??W??rstSh??H??dInH??rEnt??r??L??f??. Next Thing She Went In The Bath She sl??t h??r wr??sts ??nd d????d. h??r p??r??nts ????ll??d ??nd scr????m??d ??t h??r To Open The Door unt??l th???? f??n??ll?? ??r??k?? th?? d????r d??wn. th???? s??w n?? ????d??. h??r mum w??nt ??ns??n?? ??nd k??ll??d h??rs??lf thr???? d????s l??t??r, h??r d??d ??s ??n pr??s??n, ??ccus??d ??f murd??r. l??t??r th??t w????k, s??r??h's ??????????fr????nd w??s t??k??ng ?? sh??w??r wh??n sh?? c??m?? fr??m th?? dr????n, r??tt??ng ??nd ??l????d??, w??th ?? r??z??r ??n h??r h??nd ??nd s????d "g????d?????? j??s??n." sh?? cut h??s thr????t ????f??r?? h?? c??uld scr????m. ??f ????u d?? n??t r??p??st th??s w??th th?? t??tl?? "1 sc??r?? w???? t?? ??r????k up", ????u ??r?? h????rtl??ss ??nd s??r??h will c??m?? t?? ????u ??n th?? sh??w??r fr??m th?? dr????n, ??nd w??ll k??ll ????u th?? s??m?? w???? sh?? k??ll??d h??r ??????fr????nd. 24 ppl h??v?? ??r??k??n th??s ch????n ??nd d????d ????u h??v?? 13 m??nut??s!