quiz about me- just guess

15 years, 7 months & 24 days ago
20th Jul 2009 15:35answer quiz as best as you can and the one who gets the most right wins 5,000
1. what state do i live in
a.OK b.IA c.OH
2. i almost died
3. i like sports
4. what sport do i play
a.softball b.tennis c.none
5. what is the color of my eye- not character
a.blue b.green c.brown
6. what is my fav color
a.blue b.green c.pink
7. how old am i
a.10 b.13 c.15
8. what is my fav flower
a.iris b.rose c. tulip
9. how many shoes do i have
a.5 b.8 c.22
10. what is my fav animal
a.penguin b.maccaw c.lion
the winner is: unknown