Hi from Yeah123! Thanks for visiting my profile! Im so excited for you to visit me! If you want you may join my brand new club!!! Im currently making improvements!Thanks for visiting me!!!!!!!!
Btw your hair is like so 10 yrs ago and what is up with ur shoes they so dont match and not even that they dont look good on you discusting feat with that outfit, MY EYES HELP And another thing about your hidious outfit it make me want to throw up all over your clothes including ur face cause your so ugly but it looks like someone already did!And why do u have milk skin seriously go get a tan. And my outfit is 1,000,000,000 times better then yours. I have better hair,eyes,skinn, and clothes! And your outfit is so like 5 yrs ago cause that was the last time brittney spears wore that outfit and i know that cause i been 2 three of her concerts. So yea im hot and your not and you are terrible at saying comebacks!SO PEACE DORA LOVER!!!
115 years, 7 months & 15 days ago 29th Jul 2009 06:05