Hate Me If You Want Coz I Need To Rant.

15 years, 8 months & 13 days ago
29th Jun 2009 06:28I am venting my frustration nao.
Kill me,hate me,scold me,lash rants at me,go on
Let's start by saying that the graphics forum is disastrous.Its getting damaged by people who can't accept critique when thats what they wanted from us-critique!They think we are being mean and even if its the crappiest work i've ever seen,they go on ranting and saying its their first and we shouldn't have been so mean.
Then there's another group,where one will take layouts from indy's layout generator and claimed that he/she made it,worth 20k-50k+,made over 100K mps from selling them and claiming they are HQ.When I read them i just replied saying,they aren't HQ.Lucks though.Then the ranting will start.
More and more true graphics makers are quitting and then everyone starts quitting.Then stealing cases come and then its left with those beginners to fight the stealers.I consider myself a beginner.We have those Sliced bread is sliced-sure graphic makers who can;t take anyone who just began graphics under their stride.They give super low rating with obvious notes without any explanation to the begginer on how to improve.I'm not pointing at anyone.
I just hate how i've come across with stealers.I can't be bothered of them and I'm getting seriously tired of them stealers.If i have to deal with one more case,i'm deciding to quit graphics for a while.These stealers are capable of getting images of the internet and capable of auctioning them of.They get the images off some sites which can be located over 100 pages if you search.I nearly freaked out trying to find evidence of the stealing.One was even capable of telling me that the images were different when i could see it was the same thing except that she enlarged it on paint.I nearly fainted.
This is not the end though.I'll type more later on.Thats for now.
Begin your ranting,hates and watever.