My marafriends!

15 years, 9 months & 4 days ago
16th Jun 2009 22:29I have seen many people do this and feel my friends need to be shown how good they are to me!
master9507- I feel I can talk to you about anything and I have fun talking to you! YOu are really sweet and sensitive!
mjlm11- You are a great friend! When I got into an arguement with another friend, you were thier to help me get past it and learn tha losing one virtualfriend is no biggy!
rollersk8ter- you have been a great friend since I met you just a few days ago! If I need help you help me and are always willing to check forums for any needs!
RosalieHale123- OMG! I don't know where to start! YOu have been there for me since the start! I knew I could always count on you! It has been sad since you have slowly grown away from marapets! Hope to talk to you again soon!
offthelove- YOu are one of the funniest people I have ever met! You are a great leader and I miss being in the same club as you. We don't talk much anymore.Only in forums really.
Viveka- you are super funny! I didn't talk to you much when the club closed, but now we found each other again! I love talking to you!
rockstar164- YOu are super funny! I love coming into club chat and reading your posts! You welcomed me into the club right away and made feel like I fit in right from the start!
These are just the few I talk to right now! I will be adding more on soon, once I go through my friends list! I know I have many more that I don't really talk to much. Just maramail me if I forgot you!