15 years, 9 months & 21 days ago
25th May 2009 14:42Morgan-My real-life friend who has been by my side for a long time. It has been rough since you moved away, and I miss you so much. love you soo much you don't even know. I miss you terribly Boberta.
Lio-We had such good times roleplaying, and many more to come. You are a good friend, and a great roleplayer too. Hope you consider me a good friend also, because I defiantly consider you one.
Moony-Ahh, the leader of the club. I am so grateful you invited me into your wonderful club. Without you asking I wouldn't have met the great friends I have right now, and the good time I have roleplaying with everyone including you. Your club is awsome, you are awesome, and you are a great friend.
Dragon-You are a delight to be around. I love roleplaying with you, it is truley awesome. You are awesome, and I hope we have many more great times together. Thanks for a being a good friend Dragon.