Wall of Fame.

15 years, 10 months & 18 days ago
7th May 2009 15:26Oh my gosh okay. So yeah right now I only have like a couple people. -totally lame I know- but a lot of the people I got really close with left, or stuff happened so I'll add people as time goes on. If I forgot you I am so sorry just tell me <3
[MONKI <3] ILY so much. We have the BESTEST times ever, and I'd be so sad if she ever quit. So don't quit Monki. There isn't much else to say except that SHE IS THE BEST PERSON EVER, and if you are ever mean to her, watch out. So yeah. Andd I can't believe we met in "Z's" club because he was totally lame, and she wasn't <3 =D Oh and thinking about "Eww Z" makes me laugh so hard xD
Oh, and she's my LOVER, and I'm her sexy piece of chicken. So glad you came back love.
[Xiah] I LOVE YOU TO BITS <3 We haven't talked in a while, and I miss her. We have such fun times, and we've been in some pretty cool clubs together. She is such a great graphics maker, and I am extremely jealous of her AWESOMENESS. <3
[HowAreYouImFine] Haha, I love herr, so awesome. We can talk about everything. <3 Theres not much else to say except that she is so cool. <3
[Dana] Yeah what can I say? She's my LOVER's soon to be wife. At least I'm the bridesmaid. But it's okay because I love her to, and she loves me. So It's okay, I think we can share Monki. Umm, what else? She's really cool, and even though I only met her today I <3 her. And that's that =]