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Hey, I am Morgan.
If you want to know about some of my interests, just browse my profile.
Beyond the east the sunrise,[br]
Beyond the west the sea.[br]
And East and West the Wanderlust,[br]
Will not let me be.


  1. GOALS
    25th Nov 2020 20:13
    4 years, 3 months & 18 days ago
  2. Get better at restocking, dummy
    18th Nov 2020 23:28
    4 years, 3 months & 25 days ago
  3. bunch of random songs i like
    24th Aug 2013 23:42
    11 years, 6 months & 19 days ago
  4. My Drawings/Art
    24th Oct 2012 20:08
    12 years, 4 months & 20 days ago
  5. Roleplay Characters (Revised)
    2nd Oct 2011 22:51
    13 years, 5 months & 12 days ago
  6. Roleplay Plots 2
    19th Apr 2010 17:43
    14 years, 10 months & 25 days ago
  7. WinnieDog (A Real Story)
    26th Jul 2009 10:31
    15 years, 7 months & 18 days ago
  8. Roleplay Plots
    27th Apr 2009 20:13
    15 years, 10 months & 16 days ago
Roleplay Plots
15 years, 10 months & 16 days ago
27th Apr 2009 20:13

No stealing. Blah.

(I am talking in First Person...I think. xD As the leader of Wild Horse clan)
Listen, hush down Thadine. I have a story to tell you all. How we need to save our clans from these demons.
"What demons?"
Oh, I will explain the whole story Torak. Just listen.
After the Ice Age, but before humans start couting the years and time, 7 clans rule the forest, and the sea. The clans live in peace with eachother, except when another would hunt on another clan's territory. Or, with the Seal and Whale clans, if someone poisoned the Sea Mother.
All was fine, until many seasons ago... a group of Mages from different clans came along.
Sorry, I am getting ahead of myself. I should probably explain how this clan thing works.
"We know how it works!"
Thadine be quiet. Some of us don't know. Now, each clan has a guardian animal. For Seal Clan, it is the Seal, for Wolf Clan, it is the wolf, etc. The members of the clans are forbidden to hunt or hurt their guardian animal. If they do, they must be killed.
Each clan has a Mage. Which is like..the medicine person. Of course, each clan also has a leader. No deputy, just a leader.
Now, the Mages hold all the medicine stuff. They help a person when they are sick, and hold rituals and meetings. The leader just watches over the clan.
So, back to the Mage group.
The group of Mages believed that helping people was a must. So they forms their own group, despite their differences. They were called, "The Healers."
The leader of this group, was a Mage from Seal Clan. He was the one that came up with this idea.
Now, as soon as they started, the Mage from Seal Clan had different thoughts in his head.
They could take children, and take their souls out. Then, put in a demon's soul instead.
When you have a person that is a host of a demon, they will listen to their master, no matter what. Their master is the person who put the demon in the host by the way.
Anyway, the Seal Mage told this idea to the others, and they approved. Having a child slave that would listen to them would help. They could get supplies, help others, and the Mages could train them too.
They stole 1 child from every clan, 7 in all, and put a demon into them.
(A demon was the only type of soul that would listen to it's master)
So, the Mages used the children for awhile. They listened, and did nothing wrong.
But one of the Mages did something terribly wrong. He relized how much power he could have with this child, doing whatever the master would say. So the Mage of Boar Clan said this to the child demon:
"Do this for me, because I am your master. You listen to your master no matter what. Find the other demon children, and raid the clans. Spread a sickness with all of your darkness and shadows. Threaten the other Mages of my group to join you, me, and your friends."
After a few moons, "The Healers" were healers no more. They killed people, they started a sickness which ripped through the clans and killed many people. They were called now, "The Soul-Eaters."
And this very day, the Mages died, but the demon children still live. Hiding in the bushes everywhere. And as you know, the sickness has started again. Only the group of Spirit Walkers can save us with their powers.
"I remember that Oslak died yesterday. He had red dots all over him, and he bit through the thick ropes that they tied him to a tree with. Didn't he jump into the Great Wet?"
Yes Torak, we all miss him dearly, but when the sickness comes to a person, that human is changed. He doesn't care for others, he hurts people, he hurts himself. The Sickness is strong, and only the Spirit-Walkers can get the cure.
"Where is the cure found?"
Renn, the cure is found in the demon's heart. Its tiny, stone cold, just barely beating heart. A drop of shadows from the demon can cure all sickness.
~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~


Wolf Clan Spirit Walker- Free
Boar Clan Spirit Walker- Free
Raven Clan Spirit Walker- Taken (By me! xD)
Moose Clan Spirit Walker- Free
Wild Horse Clan Spirit Walker- Free

Seal Clan Spirit Walker- Free
Whale Clan Spirit Walker- Free

The Spirit Walkers have 2 powers. One...normal.
(Strength, Speed, Levitation, etc.)
And one Element


Water- Free
Fire- Taken (by me! )
Earth- Free
Ice- Free
Light- Free
Storm- Free
Wind- Free


Have any questions? Ask me.
Thanks. ^.^



Two cats from each clan get a message from StarClan, and they aren't sure what it means:
Thunder growing silent.
Wind Dying.
River and Shadow forming together to a dark river.
The remains of it all becoming stronger.
In ThunderClan, their beloved leader, Firestar, has gone to StarClan. The clan is devestated. Although, the deputy is worred.
"I can't be leader..."
So one rainy night, the deputy runs off. ThunderClan is in chaos. They need a new leader, and a deputy. But how can they do this so quickly?
All the cats are arguing about who should be the new leader and deputy. The clan is slowly tearing apart, getting weaker every minute. Cats are running away, becoming rogues because ThunderClan is too hard for them.

~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~

This clan, the leader is still alive and well. BlackStar is thinking that his clan is becoming too weak...
At the meeting at the Island, the cat meets with RiverClan's leader after the meeting. LeopardStar agrees with Blackstar. Their clans should join together. It would be better.
The new clan, ShadowClan and RiverClan together, is called:


They are the only Clan in which things are going fine. They watch the other clans suffer, not sure what to do.
Except a huge outbreak in their territory.
The prey is decreasing due to rogues from former ThunderClan. Onestar warns them to stay away, but they are still taking the food. WindClan is dying.

The clans are in Chaos. The rogues of ThunderClan, and a few from the new clan, GrassClan, have joined up as the large Clan of rogues.
The special cats, two from each clan, have ran off from their clans to form a new army.
They need to save WindClan, put ThunderClan back together, Split up RiverClan and ShadowClan, defeat the rogues of LoneClan, and put the territorys back together.
Can only 8 Cats do this though?




Clan(LoneClan,GrassClan,WindClan, or ThunderClan):
Rank(In LoneClan, you are either Warrior, Leader, or Medicine Cat):
Other/Anything I missed:

I will post mine when someone joins.


At first, the gifted children were not normal. There was only a few of them in the world, and they were hunted down to use for weapons, or just because people thought they were dangerous. Gifted Children were not very common.
But, that was in 2008-2010.
It is now the year 2011. Gifted ones have reproduced wildly, and the humans were killed because they are "not pure". Gifted adults, teens, toddlers, children, they are everywhere. Only a few humans without powers are alive. The old government was killed, and now the new government is also a gifted.
The gifted ones want the humans. To kill them. Why? Well, now they believe that all gifted ones are pure, and that all humans are evil.
Will the humans be able to stay away from the gifted ones without any powers at all?

All the humans live in a small town because...well, it is just a coincidence, okay? xD A really odd coincidence...whatever.
The town has many abandoned buildings. Mansions are Considered Regular houses, and tall buildings with many floors are considered big. There is a large government building in the middle of the town, and a few streets around it. Here is a VERY ROUGH picture of the town.
(the dark gray is roads, and the brown boxes are homes.)


1.There is not really any new technology, except for some electric handcuffs, and improved GPS devices.
2.Basicly, if the government catches you, you are tortured if you try to resist capturing, or killed. They will hardly spare ever spare someone.
3.Humans can have weapons. Think of anything you can think of.
4. Marapets rules apply
8. No Godmoding
9. If you didn't notice that I skipped 7, then you can't join. xD Kidding. Just having a bit of fun.
10. Join as Gifted Agent, or Human running away from gifted government.


Gifted Agent or Human:
Powers (if an agent):
If you are an agent, will you betray the government and help the humans?:
Talents(For humans. Like, you can run fast, or can tie...laces...quickly. xD):
Street you are hiding in currently:
Anything I missed/Other:

I don't think that's a word. xD


(I am speaking in first person as the poilet.)


"Base to Hurricane, base to Hurricane, do you read me?"
I shook my head, looking at the radio. They had to call in every damn five minutes. I knew they were being cautious, this not being a fighting plane and all, but seriously. I am fight. With an annoyed sigh, I gripped it in my right hand.
"Yes, I read. Over."
"Check your weather radar. Something bad is coming." The man on the other side said.
I looked down at the black circle. Tiny green circles heading toward the large green picture of an airplane. With a quick glance up to the windsheild, I noticed that the sky was very cloudly. Storm coming up possibly. In fact, I almost relaxed. It could be hail. They monitered anything these days.
But then I heard the shouts from the passengers behind me.
"They're shooting at us!" A girl cried.
I looked out the window beside me. Sure enough, there was AV Guns, Armoured Cars, and other planes in the sky. It looked like a garage sale out there.
I kept looking until the plane swooped down suddenly. The plane vibrated from the shots of guns.
I pulled it back up as quickly as I could, but some of the men below had taken advantage of the glass window facing down.
I heard glass break, and a silver bullet whizzed past me. I cried out, pushing backwards in my seat. More shots hammered on the bottom of the plane.
The passengers in the back were panicking. Trying to bring these people to Canada was hard. Flying through the battlefields was hard.
I grabbed the radio.
"Hurricane to base! It's enimies attackig ourplane. I would like some backup from the fighting planes in the sky." I said franticly, one hand holding the radio, the other controlling the plane, trying my best to keep control.
Again, I looked at the radar. A large green ball following the plane.
"Damn! Missile!"
I veered the plane to right side, hearing more cries from the passengers. There was a few thumps. Their heads were probably smashing against the seats.
Carefully listening to everybody, I could hear a few reciting some prayers. I checked the radar again. The missle had passed the plane just barely, but another one was coming.
"Base to Hurricane, no backup is left. They are all too far away from your plane." I didn't even look to the radio.
'Well this is great. No backup, passengers in the back, and this isn't even a fighting plane!' I thought to myself. Beads of sweat were running down the sides of my face. I swore quietly, not bothering to wipe the sweat away from my eyes.
"Hold On!" I shouted, and instantly started gaining elevation. Up, up I went. Nose of the plane pointing at the sky. The missle was followed by two others, and they were all coming at the plane.
Then, I heard a loud beeping sound. The plane was losing elevation. I pulled down, and tried to safley bring the nose of the plane down. It worked, but the engine was failing. To many shots had bent some of the blades in the engines.
The plane was falling, fast. I felt a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach.
More screams.
I pulled up, trying to get the plane to go straight, but we kept falling.
"Brace yourselves!" I shouted at the top of my lungs, and I braced myself too.

The broken window and the blood-stained grass was the last thing I saw. Pain was the last thing I felt.


Basicly, a plane filled with passengers heading to Canada crashes at the edge of a battlefield in World War Two.
The piolet died, but some of the passengers survived. Some with a lot of injuries, others with barely anything.
The teens, children, adults, whatever, have to find a safe spot. Somehow sneak onto an airplane or ship, and get to Canada.
Remember, this is World War 2, so you can't have A Portable Gaming system with you. You can't be wearing a whole bunch of new, fashionable clothe.
Your character can wear a blouse, jeans, dress, or anything else you can think of.
These kids are NOT Gifted. Just normal humans.
Yes, you can have weapons with you.
All marapets rules apply.
We start after the plane has crashed. Everyone is still getting out. We are currently in Germany. Canada is APPROXIMATLY 10,080 Kilometres away from Germany.
(That's very far.)


Other/Anything I Forgot:




Pretty much the despriction of the places will describe the area.

Airistos Castle
~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~

A beautiful paradise that /used/ to be up in the sky. It's pretty much a large island floating in the water. A large white castle sits in the middle of the town. Lush forests surround the area. In front of the castle is a large pond with a fountain in it. Rolling hills and small waterfalls fill the area. All of the horses here have wings, every single one. Each one also has the power to Fly, and the Element of light.
Airistos Castle is currently under attack from Valeryk Castle.
Motto of Airistos is "Flying ever higher" There is always a moon showing. Even if the sun is out. Valeryk Castle brought the island down to the ground, and immidiently started attacking for more land, and for almost the fun of it.


Anemone- High Queen of Airistos. Has a very, creamy white body. Light red, feathery wings. Mane is also a light red. Has flowers tied into her mane, and light red tail.
Anemone is a very kind queen. Others help her because she helps them. Lives in the main castle of Airistos. Every horse adores her kindness. Green eyes. Young Adult.

Nike- A brown mare. Has very long feathery light pink wings, mane, and tail. Tied into her tail is rainbow ribbons. She wears a green necklace with a light pink stone in the middle around her neck. She is very tall, and slim. Nike is a nice horse, but can be a bit aggresive at times. She is the First Lady of Airistos. One of the Queen's friend's. Blue eyes. Young Adult.

Thunder- A pure black stallion. Every part of him is black. His coat, mane, and tail. All pitch black. Although, he does have a few jaggedy white lines on his side that look like lightning. Wings are a soft gray. Thunder has a bit of a temper, but is nice most of the time. He doesn't talk much. Is a great fighter. Knight of Airistos. Green eyes. Doesn't know the Queen very well. Adult.

Iceprince- A Messenger of Airistos. He is a young white horse with a short, blue tail and a short blue mane. His wings are mostly white, but have a few random blue feathers in them. He is a very kind horse. Cheery pretty much all of the time, always has a smile on his face. Soft blue eyes. Child.

Valeryk Castle
~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~

A tall, stone castle that looks like a dark blue from far away. The sky is always filled with the colors of the northern lights. Pinks, greens, yellows, etc. You can see the planet Jupiter very clearly from here.
The castle is always covered in snow, although the weather isn't very cold. There is many buildings among the streets, and bridges too. The castle is a large tower in the middle of the area. There is a frozen lake surrounding the area. Not many trees and plants. They are currently attacking Airistos Castle, in greed for more land, and wanting to become the largest kingdom of all. Approximatly 30 minutes away from Castle Airistos if you are trotting the whole time. Ever since the king died, the new king (still likes to call himself a prince) has been ruthless and rude. Attacking every kingdom he hears of. Motto or Valeryk Castle is "Brave Words, Brave Deeds."
All of the horses here have the power of electricity, and can gallop faster than horses of other kingdoms.


Dane- A tall, dark gray stallion with a black mane, and black tail that just brushes along the ground. He has a silver necklace around his neck that has a red blanket/cape thing on his back. Dane is ruthless, aggresive, and rude. He feels that he has all power now that he is the king, even though he calls himself a prince still. Dane wants Castle Valeryk to be the largest kingdom of them all, with all the horses working for him. Young adult.

Starunna- A Lady of Kingdom Valeryk. She is a Clysdale (a type of horse that usually pulls carriges. They have large hooves). Her coat is mostly brown, and has a few splatters of white on it. Her mane and tail are a creamy white. She is a nice horse, and even though she works for Dane, Starunna only pretends to like him. She is a bit sarcastic, and loves laughing. Brown eyes. Teenager (not sure what to call it. XD)

Magic- A tall, blond colored stallion. Blond mane, blond tail. Has white socks though (that's white around the feet, under the knee). He wears a blue necklace...thing around his neck showing that he is a knight of Valeryk Castle. He is kind most of the time, but has a wild temper.
Very skilled fighter. Magic pays attention to his job, and his job only. Is merciless in battles. His eyes are brown. Young teenager.

Gracie- A furry, short, beige colored, brown maned little pony. Her tail is also a warm brown too. Has yellow ribbons tied into her short mane, and short tail. Loves playing in the snow. Since Gracie is young, she is very hyper and loves playing. She doesn't like hurting other horses. She is the messenger of Valeryk Castle. She hates Dane, the new king. Gracie has Hazel eyes. Young child.

Donnecha- A knight for the castle, although she is a mare. Donnecha is a brown colored horse, with a long white mane and tail. Her eyes are blue. She wears a golden necklace. She enjoys running around outside. Donnecha loves fighting, but has a few friends in Airistos Castle that she has to keep a secret. Donnecha is a very quiet horse. Her personality is very random, and no horse really knows what her true personality is.
Young adult.

Shahazar Castle
~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~

Motto is "Lighting the Spark Within." Some horses are Helping caslte Valeryk fight Airistos, and others are helping Airistos. Not really any side of the battle. The queen lets her horses pretty much do whatever they want.
The castle is in a /huge/ desset, surrounded by palm trees. There is a large staircase that leads up into a large castle with flags all over. You walk through the castle, and come to an area where you can see Airistos to your right, and Valeryk to your left. Many buildings, and very hot weather. Castle is like an Indian Castle, with many columns and...yeah. xD All horses here have the power of Darkness, and they have amazing fighting skills.


Aviva- The Queen of the castle. Avivia is a silver horse, with a light purple mane and tale. She has very green eyes, and is very slim. Aviva lets her horses pretty much do anything. She is a good queen. Laid-back, a bit quiet at times, but also very kind. She is a bit rude to some horses. Isn't fighting on any side yet. Adult.

Farah- A First Lady of the Shahazar Castle. Her body is pure red, and her mane is just a bit of a lighter shade. She has a long silver horn on her head, with 3 gold jewels on it. There is gold strings of gold jewels tied into her mane and tail. She is a very tall horse. Farah talks a lot, she is very talktive. Farah has a bit of a temper, but loves fighting others. Her unicorn horn comes in handy in battles. Farah is currently fighting for Valeryk Castle. Blue eyes. Farah is a young adult.

Kitty- The messenger of Shahazar Castle. Kitty is a creamy white horse, with a red, orange, and yellow mane. Her tail is green and purple. Kitty is a young horse, like most messengers. She doesn't really pay attention to her job. Kitty loves listening to music, and she loves her home in the desert. Kitty is nice to other young horses, but doesn't like adults who are mean to her. Kitty likes fighting for fun. Although everyone told her that she couldn't fight, Kitty is "fighting" for Airistos Castle.

Cantaro- A young, black stallion. He is the knight of Shahazar Castle. Cantaro has a black body, with a few gray spots up his neck, and on his flank. His knees are also gray. His mane is mostly white, but has a few gray in there too. Same with his tail. Cantaro is a good horse. He is talktive, and enjoys smiling. In battles, he has a lot of spirit. He enjoys leading others. Currently Fighting for Airistos.

So, if you don't get what is happening...
Castle Valeryk is attacking Airistos Castle, thinking that it would be easy because there is only 3 horses in the area, because some got killed when Valeryk brought Airistos down to the ground. Although, one herd that has stayed hidden forever in the desert has risen up, and is ready to fight for whoever they want to fight for.
You must ask to join. Tell me what horse you want to be, and which Castle he/she lives in. We shall start of...well, Valeryk is always attacking Airistos. We could start by Valeryk horses about to attack Airistos. The time is night.
No romance.
All marapets rules apply.
No extra powers. You can only have whatever powers the horses of your kingdom have. maximum for characters. xD
Got questions? Ask me.


In the future, the Earth is engulfed with water when the polar ice caps melts, leaving the lands and civilization beneath the sea. In "Waterworld" drifters sail across the waters of the world on their man-made ships, trading for supplies and salvaging what is left of civilization, communities of survivors lives in towns called "Atolls" and a force of evil pirates, "The Smokers", travel across Waterworld in search of a mythical island called "Dryland".

The Smokers will kill to find this so called, "Dryland" place. Some people in Atolls know how to find this Dryland. They claim that they have even seen it before. Stepped on it, walked on something that wasn't made out of metal, steel or rope. They said that they had felt an odd, grainy texture underneath their feet, and had seen green sprouts spread out.

Of course, The Smokers will find these people and threaten them for information. If they don't speak, they kill them. Might sound stupid, but you can't have somebody who knows how to find Dryland wandering around, who will tell his/her friends. So, these people who know about Dryland are in great danger.

The Smokers have gotten so...ticked off at everybody, they have gotten so frustrated and impatient to find Dryland that it has started a war. A war between the large group of the evil pirates, and the few Atolls. They are constantly at war, taking hostages and threating to kill them if the town doesn't tell them how to get to Dryland, or they don't know.

Some people though, are still trying to find Dryland though. Can they find it before the Smokers do?


No Dryland around of course. Well..far away, but you have to be up for the journey. Anyway, most of the Atolls are made up of crappy metals, formed together to make a wall around their town. There is usually a large gate at the front, and a few watch-spots to keep watch for the band of evil pirates. There are many floating places, houses that people live in. There are still blankets and pillows around. There are no electronics though. People use Sea-doos to get around, but not a lot of people have them. There are also a few house-boats here and there, for the more wealthy people.

Speaking of money, the currency is currently bottlecaps. 2 bottlecaps can buy some food, but 2 bottlecaps is actually a lot. There isn't much food left in the world, and that is the main reason people are rushing to find Dryland.

The people wear...well, a lot of different types of clothing. Jeans, cargo shorts, t-shirts, tank tops, etc. You can wear almost anything. Most people don't have shoes, but some people wear them to protect their feet from pieces of sharp metal.

Since the war, a lot of people have made weapons, or found some, such as swords, a bow and arrows, knives, daggers, etc.

It is currently mid-summer. Very hot. Sea creatures still roam the water, but people don't freak out about them. The Smokers are constantly roaming the waters, or invading Atolls, threatning for information. If you are caught outside of an Atoll, you will most likely be killed by a pirate.

Pirates always have more weapons on them than normal citizens.


Pirate or Fighting Citizen?-
Weapons (Citizen gets 2 weapons, Pirate gets 4)-
Does he/she own a boat or some other water vehicle?-
Talents (Running fast, good swimmer, flexible, etc.)-
Do you know where Dryland is located? (If so, you're character is in great danger, and people are always searching for him/her-

Questions? Ask me. Join please. =]

When a large group of teens get invatations to a huge pool party, they are very excited.
When they get there, they eat a few snacks, and then change to get into the pool. A few of them dive into the water and others do cannonballs. The lifeguard is reading a book up on her chair, listening to some music on her ipod.
A few minutes later, a girl gets out of the pool to go to the bathroom. She walks into the change rooms, and into the restroom.
When she comes out, on the counter she sees a small brown book. The girl picks it up, and flips through a few pages. On one of the pages, it had instructions of how to get to Ayralon, a hidden world of merpeople, and talking sea-creatures. She reads the mystic words, and rolls her eyes.
'Yeah. Going in a large area of water, and reading these words transports you to Ayralon.' The girl thought. She had rolled her eyes, and ran back over to the pool with her friends.
But she is curious. Do the words actually work?
So, she chants them outloud in the middle of the water.

'Wind of sea and earth and fire,
Take me where I most desire.
Whirl me, twirl me, lift me high,
Return me softly as a sigh.'

Then, it all happened to quickly that there was no escape. The instant the chant ended, the water around the teens seemed to explode. The lifeguard, looked up, and stared. A whirpool was begining to form. She climbed down from her chair, about to go into the pool to save the kids, but...she didn't want to be dragged in with them.
The lifeguard stayed back, and watched as the water churned, gathering speed at a terrifying rate. It spun the kids in circles, faster and faster, until they could no longer see anything but bubbles and foam. A girl screamed, which came out as a gurgle.
It was over as suddenly as it had begun. Somehow, the kids found the air they had needed, and breathed in. Everyone was still alive. Only they were no longer at the pool anymore. They were floating in a warm, silent sea. Not far from them, was a shore of a beautiful tropical island.
Sunlight dazzled off a blue-green ocean that was still clear as glass. Fish as bright as bathtub toys darted past everyone. Beyond the sand a row of palm trees reached up toward a sky that sparkled like a giant sapphire bowl. Birds of every color perched among the palm leaves.
Some of the teens are amazed, but some are scared. Some want to go home.
The girl chanted the words again. That would work, and get them back home, right?
The girl closed her eyes, ready to be sucked into a whirlpool again. But nothing happened. Everything was still the same. She said the words again.
Still nothing.
They decided to swim to the island, and try the words later. They found bushes of strawberry plants, and raspberries too. Here on the island, they would be fine. But, one person noticed a shape in the water. It's tail was extremely long...but the front was human.
A Mermaid?
Some kids ran to the edge of the island. The mermaid lifted it's head out of the water with a bright smile. Her hair was a very bleach blonde, but drenched with water. Her skin was very tanned, and her tail was an orange-yellow color. Her eyes were an ocean blue.
She came up to the humans with no hesitation, and her tail turned into legs. She explained to them how mermaids had the magic to do many things. The mermaid explained to them why they weren't going back home for awhile. The jewel of life had been stolen by a human who had accidentally came there. He had taken the jewel, and went back home. The Jewel of Life supported all the magic of Ayralon, and the lives of the merpeople too. Most merpeople still had enough magic to turn their tails into legs, but they were slowly getting weaker.
The mermaid told the humans that they needed to find the ones who created the jewel, for the merpeople have no idea where the human went who took the old one.
So the mermaid gave the humans the rest of her magic. They could breathe underwater, and grow tails too. All they had to do was think about getting the tail, and then it would appear.
The cave of the one's who created the jewel of life is at the bottom of the ocean. The humans have to face sharks, giant squids, and other dangerous under-water creatures to help the merpeople, and get back home.

We will START in the POOL AT THE PARTY. MY character will chant the words, on.


No stealing my plot. >.<
No, the humans don't have any extra powers. Only breatheing underwater, and changing from human to mer...person.
Join as a human, a mermaid who will help the humans, or a sea-creature who will be against/helping the humans. ^.^
Make your own form. But please include name, gender, look (as a human) and look (as a merperson).
Yes, your looks do change a bit when you get the powers from the mermaid.
Basic marapets rules apply.
Remember, girl...mermaids are called mermaids.
Boy mermans are called...mermans.
Basic marapets rules apply. =]
Also remember, that all sea-creatures talk. xD

Sooo...yeah. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me.

We will START in the POOL AT THE PARTY. MY character will chant the words, on.

If I leave suddenly, I will only be gone for a few minutes. If I am leaving for a long time, I will tell you.


A long time ago in Europe, a large group of people would get together for a festival to celebrate Halloween. Everyone believed that on October 31st, people could talk to the spirits, and the spirits would help the people with their farming and their lives. They would make a large bonfires, and people would connect to the spirits of the Underworld. On this night, it was said that some people could get the spirits to tell them the future. Some very powerful ones could even Time Travel, into the past or future. Sometimes, they would even sacrifice people or livestock to the spirits so they could connect to them better.

Enough of History. Let's get to the real plot.

It's Halloween night. A group of teenagers are going around the block. Some Trick or Treating still, others ruining people's property. Later though, near midnight, they get invited to a large party. They all go, and see that a large bonfire is there. One person there (not the group of teenagers) is related to one of the people of Europe, and still is able to talk with the spirits. In front of the Bonfire, he accidentally starts chatting with the spirits, through his mind.

Then, it all happens so quickly.

Before he knows it, he accepts the spirit's invitation to go back to the old Halloween Festivals. Of course, the spirits want only young people to go so they only let the group of teens go back in time. (They just do, okay?)

Soon, the group of teenagers end up hundreds of years ago, in a Halloween festival. They end up very far away from the festival, actually they end up in the middle of a small town, miles away from the festival.

The only way to do this is to get help from a person, one who can talk to the lonely spirits. But, they have to make sure that they don't accidentally get sacrificed by the people. And judging by their odd clothing, and costumes, they could get accused as witches in disguise. And you know what happens to witches. (they kill them. xD)


Basicly, some kids accidentally go back in time to Europe, and have to get a person's help to get back to their own time. But some are wearing wierd costumes, so they could get accused as witches. Sooo...yeah.


1. No romance.
2. THESE KIDS ARE NORMAL HUMANS NOT GIFTED KIDS. >.< We don't have superpowers, okay?


1. The Teenagers
2. The People in the Festivals in Europe, ones that help the teens get back home, and ones that don't help them. xD Try to get them sacrificed, or be accused witches of something. xD

That is All. Any questions?


This is related to the popular Left 4 Dead Videogame, if you have played it before, you will have some knowledge of the different zombies in this role-play. If you haven't played it before, you will catch on! =] Some of this doesn't go along with the real Videogame, but...oh well.

The Infection is spreading. Nobody knows how it started, but it comes very quickly. One moment you are eating a cheeseburger at a Fast-Food restaurant, and then you hear someone saying how they don't feel so well. Next minute, you don't feel so well either.
This Infection causes people to turn into, well, zombies. Some people just turn into normal, stupid, hardly dangerous zombies. But others...turn into different ones. Ones that can, and will, kill you easily.
There are a few survivors though. Immune people. They can't catch this disease, so they go about killing all of the zombies. Their goal is to get to the closest military base so they can get evacuated out of the city.
But of course, easier said than done.
They have to get through a maze of zombies, avoiding them and trying their best to get to the military base. They first have to go through a large forest area that used to be used for hiking and camping. Now, it's infested.
Through the forest, following the train tracks north they go. Through farmhouses, tunnels, and trees. Can they make it to the Military base?


Common Infected: Stupid zombies that can run fairly fast, and oddly, can swim. Don't pose much of a threat to you if you have a good gun or melee weapon.

You probably noticed his odd, long tongue, correct? Well, this guy hides on rooftops and in trees, then shoots out his tongue to wrap around your neck, dragging you closer to him. Once you are close enough, he begins clawing you apart. If you get caught on something, you start choking. A bit odd, yes, but dangerous.
Noticed his sharp claws? I hope so, because that???s the most dangerous part of him. He hides in buildings, or on rooftops, ready to pounce on you when you walk by. When he jumps off the building towards you, you can hear his loud scream. If he lands on you successfully, he pushes you down and begins clawing at your stomach. Watch out for these ones!
These guys look kind of funny, don???t they? Well, still be cautious. He ambushes on you, waiting for you to walk out of a room, then vomits. Yes, I typed that right. He vomits all over, blinding you for about 10 seconds. The worst part of this? It attracts common infected to you, to come and attack.

This type of zombie, well, spits at you. Hence the name, "Spitter". Instead of normal saliva, it is acid! Burning acid. The longer you stand in it, the more damage it does to you. Stay out of the acid until it fades away! (About 10 seconds.)


Notice his very large arm? Yeah, he charges at you with it out in front of him. If he manages to get you, he runs with you on his arm until you hit something. Then, starts pummeling you to the ground. Ouch. Luckily, he can only run in a straight line so you can get out of the way if you see him coming for you.


Short little guy, yes, but he does a bit of damage. When he finds his target, he jumps on your back, and pulls himself up to wrap his legs around your neck, and hold your head with his hands. He then steers you towards trouble. Maybe there was a witch near you that you really, really didn't want to startle! He'll drag you towards that.

Now for the Rare, and DANGEROUS Infected!

You???re lucky this guy doesn???t come around often. His muscular arms deal tons of damage! If he sees you first, he goes for you. You can hear his low growling from far away. Anyway, if he starts attacking you, you have a good chance of getting hurt really bad. He swings his large arms to knock you far away, or throws cars, trees, and cement at you! Best thing to do?
Run and Shoot.

Be careful around this one. You can know when she is near when you hear her crying from far away. Yes, crying. She moans, and cries. Most of the time witches are hiding in dark places, or in corners. Sometimes they are in the middle of your path. Beware, don???t approach her. Witches hate light, loud noises, and being approached. If you shoot her, or shine your light on her, beware of the consequences. She will stand up, and then start chasing after you, arms outstretched. If she catches up to you, she will push you to the ground and claw you with those???sharp nails. But, you can avoid her. Just walk past her if she isn't in the middle of your path.

Wandering witch: She is just like the one above, except...well, she walks around crying. She doesn't just stand. Same attacks, same looks, everything. She is just easier to sneak around. Wait for her to move, then lead on.

Pretty much it...Just a few things.
You can have Guns, or Melee weapons. Melee weapons include swords, chainsaws, frying pans, guitars, etc. Guns....Pistols, Shotguns, hunting rifles, or whatever else you can think of. If you are injured, you can probably find a health kit somewhere, and heal yourself with medcine, bandages, etc.


- Yes, Left 4 Dead is a gory game, but try to keep this roleplay...not too detailed. Nothing over PG-13 violence. You can include a blood though.
- You can't be invincible. You have to get hurt, SOMETIMES.
- Make up your character please! No Bill, Zoey, Louis, or Francis. xD
- You CAN be infected if you really want to be. Let's pretend that Special infected can actually think about strageties.
-Umm...Oh, no romance.

I will lead you if you need me too. We start at what is called a "Safe Room". There, you can pick up your gun, get some ammo, a health kit, etc. No zombies can get in the saferoom. Our first objective will be to get through the forest, across a bridge, and into a building where we find the railroad tracks to follow to get to the military base.

Questions? ASK Me! =]

Intro and part of plot based on Assassin's Creed 1 and 2.

Underneath the light gray gloomy sky laid a quiet city, filled with stone buildings and merchant stalls. You could see the large building in the middle, the tallest one of the all. The church. A large golden bell with various designs on it rested inside a tall stone column with open windows. Many other small structures rested around this church, some with only broken walls and rages left of them. Most of the buildings were so destroyed that almost nothing was left but chunks of stone. Deeper in the streets, nobody was around except the guards with their shiny silver long-swords and thin metal armor, and aventail surrounding the neck. Everyone else was to the north of the church, listening to a speech. The man wore the same as the guards around the kingdom, but had a large white cross on the middle of his chest armor.
Suddenly, the people burst out into a wave of applause. The man stared at his audience as he walked along a low wood stage.

Two guards stood a few feet away from him, with sharp silver long-swords at their waist. Behind him was a very grim sight. People hanged with thick ropes around their necks. Three, to be exact. Blood trailed down their dirty necks and stained their filthy tops.

The man spoke a few more words. Again the audience erupted into applause. The guards looked at every cheering person with their arms crossed. It seemed the whole kingdom was there. Yet, one man was not exactly with the crowd. He listened to the leader from his place at the church doors.

A light gray robe reached down to his knees. He wore gray trousers underneath, and a pair of thin, filthy leather boots. A blood red sash was at his waist with a long-sword. A small wooden crossbow was slung over his back, and his hood was pulled up to cover most of his face. You could still see a bit of his light brown eyes and short black hair. The young man stood there, with his thin arms at his side. The man looked up at the bell far above him. Finally it swung to the left, ringing a low but loud sound. It echoed out through the whole kingdom, letting everyone know that it was noon. Most people in the audience ignored the ringing, too busy with the man???s speech.

The man in the gray robes began stepping towards the stage, slowly at first. He gently pushed past the audience members, feeling their grime and oily skin rub onto his hands. The bell kept on ringing. He began moving a bit quicker. Some people turned towards him and muttered a few rude words, and others just kept on clapping and cheering. With every toll of the golden church bell, he increased in speed, keeping his gaze fixed on the speaker. The target.
The man looked at the audience, then at the one person running towards him.

???It???s the assassin!??? The speaker brawled, stepping back a bit. The assassin ran up the steps to the stage, and then pulled out his crossbow. As one guard began running for him, sword out, he pulled back the string and a sharp arrow cut through the air. It pierced through the exposed throat, and the man fell to the ground with a thump. The other guard sprinted for him, and swung the sword at the assassin. He ducked under it swiftly, and with the fine metal end of the lath on his crossbow, he stabbed in into the man???s back, and pulled him to the ground in front of him. He heard a gurgle of pain, and a thump as he collapsed onto the wood.

With a running start, he jumped onto the guard???s back and pushed himself off. It then seemed to happen in slow motion. The target began taking out his sword. The assassin closed his hand, and then opened it again. A pointed blade shot out from his wrist armor, in front of the palm of his hand and fingers. He drew his arm backwards, still crouching in the air, then pushed the speaker down with his other hand. He slid the blade into the presented throat, and pushed it in with his wrist. He then pulled it out, and it slid back into his wrist armor. He ran his hand over the still face while crouching over the lifeless body. The audience was now silent.

The church bell tolled a few more times, then stopped. The wind stopped blowing, the birds didn???t call, and nobody said anything.

???Kill him!??? A harsh voice broke the few moments of silence. He rose to his feet, and glanced one last time at the blood dripping through the cracks in the wood before jumping off the stage and running for the street. He pushed past a thing woman carrying a delicate vase. She stumbled a bit, but regained her balance. A few seconds later, the guards came in a large group, knocking the girl onto the damp ground. The green vase smashed beside her. She cursed at the guards as they ran into a thin alleyway, following the assassin.

The man looked around the area, looking for something easy to climb up on. He spotted a ladder, and then jumped onto it, skipping one step every time to move get to the rooftops quicker. The guards ran into another thin alley, and watched as the assassin jumped over their heads to the next building.

???There he is!??? One of them shouted. They all followed the assassin as he ran along the rooftops, but they followed him from the road. Finally, the man jumped off the building onto the ground. He turned around, watching as the guards circled him. He backed up slightly towards a large wooden door behind him, then bowed down his head, waiting.

???He???s not attacking.??? One guard whispered to another. They slowly moved in closer. A loud creak then filled the air, and the doors swung open behind him. A very large group of monks came out, heads bowed down towards the ground, with gray hoods over their eyes. They slowly circled around the assassin. A few glanced up at the man, wondering what he was doing in their group, but didn???t say anything.

The guards panicked, and searched the group silently, checking to see if one of the people had weapons with them. While they searched, the assassin slipped through the doors and began walking along a flat path of dirt and dead grass. His job here was done.

Time to get out of Jerusalem, and back to the Society.


Hundreds of years have passed after this one Master Assassin. Although, his blood and skills have been passed on to future generations.
Venizia (Venice) 1474

The 10-day Carnival kicks off on Febuary 16, at sunset. Everyobdy goes there with their expensive dresses, and feathery masks, and goes to dance or play games. All of the wealthiest people come to celebrate.

But of course...not only wealthy people are there. Most of the time, the high-ranking people in society are targets.

Targets for Assassins.

Many assassins come to the parties, with a cheap mask on to disguise their faces. While people are celebrating, and too focused on how to move their feet, the assassins kill their target and then flee.

This year, there are many targets at the ball. Most of them are Nobles, only ones who have made Venizia worse. Sometimes, they will kill somebody close to the Noble's heart so that they will either kill themself, or go crazy. It can happen.

If the assassins do not get their target at the Carnevale di Venezia, they follow them until they can strike, or wait for another day, another time.

There are rules of the assassins though. A Creed.
1. Stay your blade from the flesh of an innocent
2. Be discreet (Hide in plain sight)
3. Never compromise the society.

The third rule is one of the most important of them all. Never compromise the society. It's hard to follow.
Especially if you become friends with your assassination target.

We can start at the Carnevale. (Carnival)
Remember, this is in Italy.
Join as an Assassin, or a target.
Note, the nobles have many guards watching them at all times to make sure they are safe.
If nobody joins as a target, you can just come up with a random Noble dude, and everyone can control him/her.
Ummm...No extreme romance.


Name :
Age :
Gender :
Looks (Including your mask you have on for the Carnival) :
Target or Assassin? :
Personality :
Weapons (Assassins can have as many as the want. Targets, stick with a small dagger or something. ) :
Other :


Based off Bioshock.


An underwater city named "Rapture" has been built. Humans from the above surface go underwater, in search of what they couldn't get on the surface. What was that? They could not get what they wanted. They were forced to listen to one person, follow that one person, listen to them and do whatever they say. Worship a certain God! You would get sick of being pushed around all the time, wouldn't you?

So. They go to a world where there are no Gods or Kings. Only man. One man.

Andrew Ryan.

This one man runs Rapture. He helps people. He comes up with things that no one else on the surface would ever think up of. ADAM. Plasmids. He is an amazing scientist, and claims...

"Until ADAM, the human animal was a slave to the gene... the inner Tyrant. Lust... greed... rage -- self obsession was etched into our DNA. We were not pulling the 'Great Chain of progress,' as Ryan believed - but shackled to it. But now, in theory, we can redraft the human blueprint. Serving the common interest can become as natural as breathing. The tyrant will simply go extinct."

Ryan injected ADAM into normal humans to change their feelings, and looks. To create a better world.

Now, you are probably wondering, who or what is ADAM?

ADAM is the raw form of the unstable stem cells harvested and processed from a type of Sea Slug parasite. Parasite is sometimes found in Dead Bodies. It is believed to consist of totipotent stem cells that have the ability to differentiate into any cell type. ADAM can be genetically manipulated to produce cells that would not normally be present in the human body. It acts like a seemingly benign form of cancer, destroying native cells and replacing them with the unstable stem versions. While it is this instability that gives it its amazing properties, it is also what causes the cosmetic and mental damage.

Most humans that the scientists inject ADAM to turn out fine. While taking bit by bit of the ADAM that they need, and not taking any more, they are perfectly sane. They help the scientists, such as Andrew Ryan, with the experiments and tests. If too much ADAM is ever injected into someone, they begin to mutate. Disform. Aesthetic damage is visible, and so is mental. They forget who they are, who their enemies are. As soon as even a bit too much ADAM is injected, they are automatically obsessed with the stuff, and will do anything to get it. Even kill.

What's a Plasmid? Well, Plasmids are bought. And if you have ADAM in you (as every human and Splicer does), you can buy Plasmids. Plasmids can do amazing things. At first, they were used for convenience. You need fire to light a cigarette? Snap your fingers, and a flame is there! You need a sudden electric charge to get your machine to work? Electricity is running through your veins. Telekinesis, fire, electricity, insect swarms, ice, all at your fingertips! But now...they are used as weapons.

One human accidentally gets injected with too much ADAM by a careless scientist. After realizing this sudden mistake, they kept the crazed human away from any sort of contact with any ADAM. Yet this one wasn't difficult to find some sort of weapon, and use it to kill most of the scientists. He got his ADAM, and soon, the other humans began to take more ADAM than they needed. They turned into what we call....Splicers. They completely destroyed Rapture. All of the regular humans that went down there with no weapons, were either killed for the ADAM inside their bodies, or because the Splicers were worried that they would steal their ADAM. Andrew Ryan is one of the only humans left, and he is still struggling to keep Rapture alive.


A plane crash happens above the Pacific Ocean. A few survive, and where's the best place to go? The mysterious building in the middle of the ocean, with open doors, and a lighted room. An elevator they take soon leads them to...Rapture. They don't know anything about it. As they enter the city, and begin to unravel the dark past...they find out a few things.

One. Andrew Ryan will do anything to stop them learning about his horrible mistake.

Two. The Splicers are trying to kill them.

Three. Plasmids are available, and weapons as well. And they're going to have to get them if they want to get through Rapture alive, and get to the surface.


Splicers: Mutated humans. Some have animal parts, yet most are disformed humans due to the overdose of ADAM. They can use Plasmids as well, fact, the Plasmids work better on them because they are used to having large amounts of ADAM in their veins. A Splicer is not a splicer unless it carries some sort of weapon.

Humans: Rare, barely any are in Rapture. Any alive ones anyway. They can use Plasmids, yet they malfunction a lot. But with weapons, they are better. They can control themselves, they can aim better and have quicker reflexes than Splicers. They also, are more resistant to Plasmids used against them. But in order to use Plasmids, they have to have EVE. EVE is in the form of an injection. And if they use too much of their Plasmid, they have to use more EVE. More injections, less health.


- No romance
-Splicers are mutated humans. They do have animal parts sometimes, but most of the time, they are just disformed.
- Umm...hmm, oh, no INTENSE violence. I will allow blood and such, but nothing too over-descriptive.
- Use "" when speaking for god's sake.
- Semi-literate. No one line posts.

FORMS (Or, you may create an intro.)

Name(Human and Splicers):
Age(Human and Splicers):
Looks(Humans and Splicers, be sure to include animal/messed up human...looks if Splicer):
Weapons(Humans and Splicers. E.g. Claws, teeth, etc.):
Personality(Humans and Splicers, Optional):
Other(Anything I missed):

Questions? Ask me. =)


Based off of the Dead Space video game.

2:00 AM
CREW: 1,807

3:54 AM
CREW: 1,002

4:21 AM
CREW: 542

4:57 AM

In 26th century ,deep in space, the USG Ishimura ship, during the process of mining the planet of Aegis, sends out a distress signal to the Concordance Extraction Corporation (CEC); the CEC dispatches the Kellion to investigate. As the Kellion attempts to dock with the Ishimura, a malfunction occurs and the Kellion is badly damaged, crashing into the Ishimura's dock. The crew then begins to seek another means of transport by venturing into the Ishimura. As they explore the apparently abandoned ship, they are attacked by grotesque monsters, who kill off all but a few people. They soon recognize that many of the ship's systems are failing, threatening the ship to a nearby asteroid belt, and sends a few peopple around the ship to fix the core systems to keep them alive.

During these treks, they discover various text and audio logs scattered throughout the ship and piece together the events that transpired before their arrival: the ship's captain was actually an agent of the "Church of Unitology", a large religious cult. The Ishimura was assigned to retrieve the religion's most deified relic, The Marker, from Aegis, under the desguise of an illegal mining operation. Soon after The Marker was extracted and brought to the Ishimura, the civilians, first on the planet-side colony then the ship, suffered from mass hysteria brought on by violent hallucinations, before subsequently killing each other. The captain cut off traffic and communications between the two sides and later goes insane as well. The Chief Science Officer, tried to relieve him of duty, only to accidentally kill him in a struggle. An alien organism then began ravaging the colony, infecting the bodies of the dead and turning them into "Necromorphs" - mindless abominations that kill to spread the infestation. It then spread to the Ishimura via a colony shuttle carrying Necromorphs that crashed into the docking bay.

After they find out how these Necromorphs were made, they find out that they are in grave danger. Not only do they have to fight off these monsters, but they also have to save the ship by repairing the systems before it runs into an asteriod belt. But, of course, these monsters are everywhere. Taking place in space, they can jump out from anyplace. Every crack in the wall of the ship, every hole in the ceiling. The Space miners only have a few weapons. Mostly guns, pick-axes, and hammers.

Will they be able to fight off the monsters, repair the ship and get back home?

Quick...thing of the plot.

A ship on a mining trip goes into outer space to mine a planet. Distress signals are soon called out, and another ship is sent to help them. They crash into this other ship, and find out that monsters/alien lifeforms have taken over. While searching through the ship, they find out that the mining trip wasn't real, it was to find something else for the leader. They find out that they are in danger of crashing into an asteriod belt, and need to repair the core systems of the ship while fighting off the mutated humans to save themselves.

Mutated Humans/Monster things look like this. Or just like any, freaky, mutated person.

The one eating the other dude. xD


-You can be a monster, or an astronaut.
-I will allow you to be an older teenager, since most people prefer that for their roleplaying charries.
-No powers.
-Monsters have increased abilities. They can think attacks through, increased fighting skills, night vision, increased senses, and usually can spit acid, or claw or something like that.
-No romance.
-Marapets rules apply.
-Semi-literate please.

Intro or form I guess.


Monster or Astronaut?:
Other(Anything I forgot):


Takes place in an abandoned space station...ship thing, over-run by savage mutated humans and monsters.
Pretty much just go around fighting off beasts, going into rooms and repairing things.

EVERYONE NEEDS TO KNOW HOW TO REPAIR THE SHIP, AND FIGHT. That's why you were recruited to go on this mission.

Questions? Ask me.


Ha ha. Somebody mentioned this to me, and memories just came flooding back. Over 200 replies, so fast that you couldn't keep up, so much action, sometimes turned out to be one of those best-roleplays-ever. =] Thought I would do a nice, short, plot. Heck, let's make them have powers too. xD
Have fun! =]


People with so called "powers", "gifts", "mental problems" were shipped off to an island way off the coast of British Columbia. They are within the range of 12-20, for that is when their powers seem to mature and get even more powerful. They were shipped off before they could cause havoc in the modern-day cities.
Anyway, at this island, everything was going fine. They found food, shelter, and were together as a team.
For a little while anyway.
After food is running a bit short, and they aren't sure if they will get a new shipment in from the government or something like that, a girl goes and steals a few fruits off the "Boy" side of the island. (Everyone needs their own privacy, so they split it in two)
Eventually, a lot of girls began stealing food for themselves. Even a few boys took some extra food, taking more than their regular share. The boys blamed mostly, the girls. They admitted to doing some of the stealing, but not all.
This caused a...rather large fight. Powers were being just thrown everywhere, people were getting /killed/ for food. Eventually, if the boys or girls even tresspassed on the opposite side, they would be killed instantly, or taken hostage.
It's like a mini-world-war.
So...what side is it? Boys, or Girls?

(Kind of just a go-with-the-flow thing. People getting captured, hurt, constant fighting, etc.)


Power(1 or 2):
Weapons(yes, you can have knives, daggers, etc.):

Join please! =]


Marley got up out of Her bed and looked in the Mirror, Their was a Red Hand print on her Cheek.
"I am going to Effen kill you Michael" Marley Screamed.
Marley Stormed out of her bed room and swung open Michael's Bed room Door. He wasn't in there.
Marley Ran around the entire House boat and not a single swite of Michael. She did notice that their Sea-Doo was gone.
"Gawd I'm Going to kill him when he gets home" Marley said to herself.
115 years, 6 months & 14 days ago 29th Aug 2009 22:07
Ayslin took one look back. She could hear a bit of shouting, and one mild swear word. She sighed, and held on to the side of the Sea-Doo tightly as it skipped along the water. She watched as they drove out of the gate and into the open water.
When they got to their side, Jake parked the Sea-Doo by the dock. They both got off, and began walking towards the large house-boat. Ayslin stared at the sky, which was slowly darkening. She stepped into the house-boat and into her cabin. As soon as she got in she layed on her bed. Her side still hurt from Marley, that over-protective idiot, but she ignored it and slowly drifted to sleep.
115 years, 6 months & 14 days ago 29th Aug 2009 22:02
Marley Stood At the Bow of the boat, And Watched Ayslin and Jake Drift Away in the SeaDoo.
"Marley, Why do you have to be so rude!" Michael Shouted.
"Why Do I Have to be So Rude? Why do you have to fall in love with a Good Sider!! Geez" Marley Pouted.
Michael stopped the boat and walked over to his sister, He Stood right in front of her and Gave her a Slap across the Face.
"Why the Hell!!" Marley Screamed.
Michael gave Marley the Look and went back to his Cabin.
115 years, 6 months & 14 days ago 29th Aug 2009 21:57
Jake watched as Micheal slowly drifted away in the house-boat. He sighed. No use in trying to steal anything now.
He turned around to face Ayslin, who was dripping with water.
"Should we go?" He asked.
"Ya think?" She snapped back, and started walking towards the Sea-Doo.
115 years, 6 months & 14 days ago 29th Aug 2009 21:53
Thanks Lupe. =P
115 years, 7 months & 14 days ago 30th Jul 2009 14:47
Great plots Morgan. I really love the third plot about the gifted runaways. Sounds neat, and different rather than the same old normals going after the gifted.

115 years, 7 months & 15 days ago 29th Jul 2009 18:19

115 years, 7 months & 20 days ago 24th Jul 2009 15:50
No Sticky paws says Miss.Morgan
115 years, 8 months & 7 days ago 6th Jul 2009 16:01
115 years, 8 months & 23 days ago 20th Jun 2009 09:50
115 years, 8 months & 29 days ago 14th Jun 2009 16:17
  1. GOALS
    25th Nov 2020 20:13
    4 years, 3 months & 18 days ago
  2. Get better at restocking, dummy
    18th Nov 2020 23:28
    4 years, 3 months & 25 days ago
  3. bunch of random songs i like
    24th Aug 2013 23:42
    11 years, 6 months & 19 days ago
  4. My Drawings/Art
    24th Oct 2012 20:08
    12 years, 4 months & 20 days ago
  5. Roleplay Characters (Revised)
    2nd Oct 2011 22:51
    13 years, 5 months & 12 days ago
  6. Roleplay Plots 2
    19th Apr 2010 17:43
    14 years, 10 months & 25 days ago
  7. WinnieDog (A Real Story)
    26th Jul 2009 10:31
    15 years, 7 months & 18 days ago
  8. Roleplay Plots
    27th Apr 2009 20:13
    15 years, 10 months & 16 days ago