Funny Random Thing

15 years, 11 months & 21 days ago
25th Mar 2009 04:42*Copied from MaryXx*
Choose the month of your b-day:
January:I shared a burrito with
February:I punched
March:I racked leaves with
April:I grilled
May:I planted
June:I broke
July:I hurt
August:I threw a desk at
September:I jumped a wall with
October:I did a body slam on
November:I fell into
December:I kicked
Choose the day of your b-day
1:a girl
2:a baseball player
3:a 4 year old
4:a pig
5:a computer
6:a mouse
7:a lion
8:a couch
9:a keyboard
10:a skateboard
11:my house
12:a chair
13:a doll
14:an ipod
15:a noodle
16:Bobby Jack
17:a fork
18:a ninja
19: a dancer
20:a mouse pad
21:a football
22:a plant
23:A ladder
24:an angel
25:a hat
26:a hobo
28:a scanner
29:a can
30:The Grand Canyon
31:A brick
Now pick the shirt color you are wearing:
Blue:because I need help in math.
Black:because I rock!
Brown:because I want to!
Red:because I love cheese.
Yellow:because my celling talks to me.
Pink:because I was bored.
White:because I have nothing better to do.
Green:because I hate school.
Purple:because I am a chair.
Gray:because I hate Fridays.
Orange:because my mom said I had to.
Other:because I like jelly.
None:because Marapets Rocks.
Try this then comment on this blog of what you got!
Mine : I threw a desk at a girl because I love cheez