Requesting my siggies

15 years, 11 months & 26 days ago
16th Mar 2009 18:43I make sig tags. You may have seen some of my work on my profile or forum signatures. If it has the watermark 'Tags by Spacetrekkers", then it is mine. Some of my older work doesnt have a watermark though.
I have already pre-made loads of my tags and you can find them at my fotki site.
Please check this site first as your name may already be made. If it is not there, you can request by mm.
I can also make special request tags.
As for costs, there is no charge if the tag is already in your name and you can snag it from my fotki site.
If it is one of my tags that are on fotki but your name is not there. The charge is one crystal.
If I make special request tags for you, the charge is 2 or 3 crystals.