A whole blog dedicated to loviie..

16 years & 8 days ago
6th Mar 2009 23:11
Its so sad to see you go. And ill never forget your last words you said to me... "Lol" i wish u hadn't self banned... i miss u loviie please come back!
Twas a lovly day
on loviie street
on top of mount love
all covered with sleet
was a small red house on the tip top of its peak
here lived loviie
but for her it was not a lovely day
for she had to move far away
her freind Liesha
did not know what to do
she left so abruptly
my heart split in to
Oh loviie come back!
Come back and stay
how id love to hear you say "Hay" today
oh how id love to see your lovely smile
every now and then i say
oh lovvie!
What id do for you to come back today