GIVE IAN A BREAK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

16 years & 10 days ago
6th Mar 2009 16:19I have read comments about Ian on various occasions. During the crashes, during the switch to the new system, during MANY occasions. I have gotten sick of the complaints so I am going to rant and rave here on my own blog. Anyone who reads this, if you can't say something nice, DO NOT SAY ANYTHING AT ALL!!!!!!
Ian is NOT a robot! He needs sleep, food, and time to himself! He does have a life outside of Marapets!
Ian is NOT a slave! I can't even imagine all the hard work that goes into maintaining a massive site like this one, but I can assume that it take a LOT of HARD HARD HARD HARD HARD HARD work!!!
Ian works HARD to keep this site running, to keep it fresh!
All I ever see anymore is people moaning and whining about how things aren't ready when THEY want it to be or how things aren't fair. Here's a hint at how the REAL world runs- LIFE'S NOT FAIR! GET USED TO IT! EVERYTHING ISN'T ROSES AND NEW CLOTHES IN THE REAL WORLD, LIFE IS WORK AND MOST OFTEN UNFAIR!
Personally, I do admit that I get impatient with some things, BUT! I also know that moaning and whining will NOT make it happen any faster. Children, tweenies and teens may get what they want when they want from their mothers and fathers if they whine enough, but those are some spoiled brats! The real world does NOT run that way, and those kids are getting set up for failure because they will NEVER have learned what it's like to actually EARN what they get!
Do something different, it's apparently a new thing now. THINK OF OTHERS BEFORE YOU OPEN YOUR MOUTHS TO COMPLAIN! For that matter, just THINK! Gods above and below, what is this world coming to?