>>About me<< Not that anyone caress. :]

16 years, 2 months & 11 days ago
2nd Jan 2009 18:13Name: India << No dippp
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*My favorite color is pink
*I do not like random friend requests so do not bother
*I am in the perfect club so no requests
*Sometimes I have 50% off sales in my shop so keep checking for forumes in Price Check
*All of my trades are always discounted [majority]
*I am very friendly but I know where my boundaries are so dont corss them
*I know whether or not something is good for me, I lost out, and what everything is worth so dont even bother trying to scam
*And presents given to me are usually resold or put in attic if no value
*If you are a very good friend then I will keep in inventory
*Gallery is only for good/rare items only so no sending gifts in expectancy of me putting them there
*Maramail's are always open but no spam or random messages asking if I want to be friends
*I like to chat through maramail sometime but forums boards and club boards are better for me
*Join my club and you will be loved
*If my trades say a specific amount, then offer nothing else
*I am willing to only haggle through maramail
*I am not afraid to reject junk
*I will not lend any marapoints to anybody, so dont bother asking
*Donating to my CC Sindi fund will always make me love you
*My shops are usually prices at lowest on shop search and are checked regularly
*Restocking and selling is my life, need to rack in those points
*I am willing to help and answer questions and can be found on help forums once in a while
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Age: 14
Still young and loving it.
Nice and loves, can be vicious at time.
I love to dance and I love fashion, do not underestimate me.
>>>>>Don't forget to leave comments! :]