
16 years, 2 months & 17 days ago
28th Dec 2008 21:05I got bored, so i wrote this:
This is for my gf, luv.
As the cold winds harshly blew, coldly blew,
Samauri's colors briskly blew.
Under colors of dried blood,
Many brave men boldly stood,
All of them thought they could,
Keep the invaders from their homes,
Yet their enemies boldly comes, steadily comes.
Along in the lines,
The men start to fear,
The army silently waiting for a warming sign, warming sign.
The samauri's horse starts to fear,
As the time is coming near,
Thinking of his daughter and his dear, his dear,
The samuari wipes a silent tear.
Then a mighty roar,
As the enemy start to pour,
Through the valley, the valley.
Full of evil, full of hate,
Banishing the though of his sadly fate,
The samauri draws his katana, katana, katana-samauri sword.
Charging forward,
Ever on-ward,
Through his racing thoughts,
his dear comes clear, comes clear.
Though his thoughts are drifting homeward,
With a mighty roar,
He fells foes right and left,
Seeing their eyes filled with hate, so full of hate.
Loud as thunder, though as thunder,
His horse gives a shudder,
With a arrows parting kiss, deadly kiss.
Promising eternal bliss,
He flies from his steed,
With his lightening speed,
With his blade flashing crimson, flashing crimson.
With his blade ever flashing,
He is dashing, hither and thither,
Thrusting, parrying, and hustling.
He dances his deadly dance, deadly dance.
Felling foes,
So he can go homeward,
Ever onward, onward.
Little is known, that a mounted bowmen,
Is behind him,
Kissing the samauri with a arrow, with an arrow.
On one knee,
His lover in his heart and mind,
with his final breath he says "Love me ever more Arnahi!"
his loving bequest.
Forever more,
She will love him forever more,
Arnahi is his dame, as that is her name.