The lost of a mother's love

16 years, 3 months & 2 days ago
11th Dec 2008 10:11When I was only nine years old
I loved my mother dearly
but she always lashed out on me
when i did something;
I didnt know right from wrong
because she never told me
I loved her so
and wonder why she had to go
she moved on and left me all alone.
My three brothers and I
we cried for three weeks
we didnt go to school for about a month
she didnt die a natural death
but she died a very awful one.
She was murdered by someone
oh so sad and oh so mean
I couldnt believe this happened to me
All I could think about is will I ever be happy
with the lost of a mother's love.
by evilcupid94
True story it happened to me 14/01/2003