
16 years, 3 months & 28 days ago
15th Nov 2008 06:12MP: Marapoints (Marapets main currency)
RP: Restock points - Another currency. Or Roleplay. Its easy to distinguish if its in context.
BP: Baspinar points - another currency.
PC: Price check (used to find the price of an item)
SS: Shop Search (User shops)
CC: Club Chat
W/N: Well named
B/N: Bad named
LE: Limited edition
Non Le: Non Limited edition
OBO: Or best offer
ONO: Or no offer
BKI: Blitzen killer
LA: Live Auction
IRTRNTS: I reserve the right not to sell (Used in LA's)
IRTRNTB: I reserve the right not to buy. (used when buying items in PC forums)
Rs's: Restockables (Items which you can get from main shops)
Ubs: un-buyables (Items that are NOT in SS)
HQ: High quality
ETS: Easy to sell
ETT: Easy to trade
HTS: Hard to sell
HTT: Hard to trade
H2T: Hard to stat
UFT: Up for trade
NFT: Not/Never for trade
W/: With
W/o: Without
Etc.: Ex-cetera
K: Thousand (500K = 500,000mp)
GL: Goodluck
NTY: No thankyou
IDK: I don't know
IDC: I don't care
BRB: Be right back
JK: Just kidding/Joking
A/R/B: Accept/Reject/Beat
[E]: Edit
OOC: Out of character (Used in roleplay)
BIC: Back in character (Used in Roleplay)
G2g/Gtg: Got to go
RL: Real life
ttyl: talk to you later
Rofl: Roll on floor laughing
Lol: Laugh out loud
Ty: thankyou
MM: Maramail