My Selfish Blog!! =D

16 years, 4 months & 2 days ago
12th Nov 2008 20:35About ME! =D
Name: Call me Moon or Gwen ^^
Age: Why do *you* wanna know...? *gives suspicious glare*
Where do live, you ask? I live in a place called Earth.

Family on Mara? Yes'm! My sister is ExotiicSun and my cousins are froggy3366, Goober1234, and FallenAngel1777.

Movie: Hmm... I have quite a few. Inn of the Sixth Happiness, Juno, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Hairspray [lol], etc etc etc
Book: I am a Twilighter, like many other girls in this world... But I can't help it. Stephenie Meyer is amazing! *turns into obnoxious fan screaming and mobbing at Stephenie Meyer*
Color: I don't know!! Aqua...?
Food: Sushi!!! Yummsy!! *licks lips hungrily*
Things to do: I love drawing, reading, cooking, going on Mara, and writing. =]
Feel free to randomly maramail me and start to chat!