****Want to be a Giant Turnip Royal? Read below for more details on how!****
The easiest way is to send me a Giant Turnip or Turnip Axe to put in my gallery. This makes you a Giant Turnip Prince or Princess. If you send me bunch, you are upgraded to Turniptastic Lord (or Lady) of Giant Vegetableness. To be a Duchess (or Duke! ) of the Turnipy Order, send me some kind of fan art- a siggy, a banner, or a portrait. Because I'm a queen, and therefore, my Ego is huge. (If you do this, The funky dress and green pants are always a good choice.)
If you should be on this list, and are not- please message me! Once in a while, I miss someone.
Once you are a turnip royal, you get to put this in your siggy or your profile. It's my gift to you, my wonderful kingdom, for helping me be Queen of the Giant Turnips.
High Priestess Turnipyna-sensei: Kariia, a.k.a the demigoddess of turnipy goodness <3 x 50billion, plus piccys. Everything. She's all the royal titles below, plus her own.
Duchesses and Dukes of the Turnipy Order: Tomboy14 pegasus92 princesselizabeth silverstreak12 Starryball roxyfoxy260 MrsLloydeineHalpert Insignia Squngle StrawberrySarah97
TurnipTastic Ladies and Lords of Giant Vegetableness (a special honor for those who donate a LOT)(each has donated 40+) lps123 (The Apple Queen- bunches of turnips and axes! silverstreak12 (lots n lots n lots! Musing (57) LittleScreamer_765 (61) DoubleBubbles maraqueen259966 moretime4game kbean smurfinsmurfette (she got me past 1,000 turnips! ) Mr.Peaboddis Insignia (who should have been here a while ago! ) ShadowNetwork(who indeed, gave dozens and was somehow missed! ) noondog wylie96797 (Because she put me at 1500! WOO! )
<3 = has sent me more than 10 turnips; or 5 or more turnips and a turnip axe
Last Updated: 11/24/2017 Mail me or post if you got missed somehow!
When I was younger I had no idea what turnips were in reality. Now I love them! Turnip curries, yumm.
I've always admired your dedication to turnips, but now that I love them too, I felt the need to send more xDD
By the way... have you seen the game Rune Factory 4? What is with that game and being obsessed with turnips?! : o Mistress Trupin reminds me of you to no end.
110 years, 7 months & 5 days ago 8th Aug 2014 23:33
Oh my goodness, I posted on here almost 4 years ago, hahaha.
111 years & 8 months ago 12th Jul 2013 22:47
TurnItUp (her name is ALMOST Turnip <3) --- Yes, yes it is. !
114 years, 2 months & 9 days ago 4th Jan 2011 16:50
How many more should I give to pay off my debt of the White Costume?
116 years, 4 months & 2 days ago 11th Nov 2008 05:36
Joo forgot me! I gave you like 100s xD
116 years, 4 months & 9 days ago 4th Nov 2008 06:37
omg thats so cool i wanna be one
116 years, 5 months & 2 days ago 11th Oct 2008 12:27
mmm, turnips
116 years, 5 months & 2 days ago 11th Oct 2008 11:40