A Quiz

16 years, 5 months & 28 days ago
14th Sep 2008 06:141.When you're afraid who do you run to.
A)Your best friend(s)

Your Parent(s)
C)Your sister(s)or brother(s)
D)Your boyfriend or girlfriend
2.When you fight with your friend(s) who is there to comfort you.
A)Your best friend(s)

Your parent(s)
C)Your sister(s) or brother(s)
D)Your boyfriend or girlfriend
3.When you're having trouble in school who helps you.
A)Your best friend(s)

Your parent(s)
C)Your sister(s) or brother(s)
D)Your boyfriend or girlfriend
4.When your have a group project who do you choose.
A)Your first best friend

Your second best friend
C)Someone who will get you an A
D)Your BF or GF
5.Who do you call first when you get home.
A)Your best friend(s)

Your parent(s)
C)Your sister(s) or brother(s)
D)Your BF or GF
6.When you just had a death in the family who do you want there to comfort you.
A)Your best friend(s)

Your parent(s)
C)Your sister(s) or brother(s)
D) Your BF or GF
Mostly A's:
If you've choosen mostly A's this means your friends will have your back no matter what you can tell them anything.
Mostly B's:
If you've choosen mostly B's this means your parents will go through anything to protect you. But you have to tell them what's wrong not just sit there and say nothing.
Mostly C's:
If you've choosen mostly C's then your siblings care about you no matter what. Sometimes they may not show it but they still do.
Mostly D's:
If you've choosen mostly D's this means your Bf's or Gf's care about you as much as your family does. This either means you will stay together for ever of they just love you that much.
Question 4:
A- if your really best friends you will have to make an A so you don't argue about who was playing around to much to get an F.
B- if your just best friends you will either get an A or B because you don't have that much in common to talk above the project.
C- they'll either choose you or figure out you're using them just for an A because you've never choosen them before so watch out for who you choose.
D- is a definite NO you will spend much time being to shy around them or looking into each others eyes not even caring about the procject.
Each MONTH I will post another quiz so be quick about it.