WOM (Will Of Mine)

16 years, 6 months & 15 days ago
27th Aug 2008 03:28If I do quit, here's my will...
Friends: (PS: not in order)
I think that's about it. Will update if I make more friends...
My 'assets' will be divided into quarters. A quarter will go to RubyRed, who is my sister who just joined. The second quarter will be given to Rukia + club *ExXegeRate* if it still exists in future. Others will be divided (not equally, according to myself) to all my other friends.
Why I chose them:
Rukia: She's a very nice, friendly and bubbly girl. She's also the co-owner of my club and I trust her to handle it well if I really left. In all, she's reliable and truthful.
Candace: She's a very good graphics maker and a very good friend too! In all, she's kind and GREAT inside.
KeetyKurt: She's very generous in her donations to the club. She gets along well with all the members. It's my honour to have such a very nice friend and member.
SilentFate: A great gal with a great personality! She is so kind in her heart. She actually gave me the ghost gonk potion when I asked her reserve it for me without any payment!
Anna: A member from my club. Nice girl and an active one too! She's nice to chat with and a knowledgeable one too.
Lissa: A member from our club again. She's one of the members who stayed the longest. I can see she's a loyal girl and can blend in well with people which makes her popular.
sophiachia: She's a great person who lives in the same country as mine, Singapore. I don't know her in real life, but she must be really a great friend in real life.
Kreasa: She's one of sophiachia's friend and they know each other in real life. She owns a successful club which I wish good luck to her in future clubbing.
Kate: I love her personality! She's generous and friendly. Lovely friend indeed!
RubyRed: She is my sister so she's get almost most of my 'assets'.
DO tell me if I missed your name. Don't be shy...
PS: Items left behind will probably be given to other club members in my club.