Cheaters! :[

16 years, 7 months & 13 days ago
31st Jul 2008 04:12This actually happened to me and my classmates.
We were having our last class for the day and our teacher asked us to answer crossword puzzles(made by each student) but there were some who forgot their work and so were not able to answer anything at all. Instead those who forgot were asked to make a 250-word essay about a previous lesson. And when as we were doing our activities she kept on repeating that those who are cheating will not be able to take the major exams. It could be that she saw that we were cheating but she indirectly made her point.
When everyone was finished and all essays and puzzles were passed to our teacher she said that she was disapointed with us coz she never thought that she would be seeing us doing and acting like what we did, we were so far from what she expected of us!
And a few moments after that she asked who among us cheated on our work! Most of the class standed up but there were few who didn't stand. Then she asked if anyone from the class could admit that he/she was clean and did not commit any form of cheating. But the worst part is that nobody standed up! Even from the group of persons left sitting before! So she was even more disapointed with us. And so she told us to bow our heads and then she asked us to raise our heads with her was a image of Jesus on the cross. And she said that if she was greatly disapointed God was much more disapointed with us! So she called our class cheaters and left without saying anything at all except that nobody should leave the classroom without asking repentance from God.
After that horrible incident there was an outburst of emotions and some even cried! Then two of my classmates went to see her(the teacher) and she said that we should prepare a letter saying that we would never do such things anymore and have every signature of each student in our class written on it!
So pls if you happen to read this then try to reflect on what happened to me and my classmates. Don't let things get as complicated as what happened to us! Let this serve as a lesson to you!