Things I've Thought About

16 years, 7 months & 18 days ago
28th Jul 2008 15:40Well First off,
*Never shake a ketcup bottle when its upsidedown and open.
*Doors don't always open by them selves.
*Cup of noodles need water to cook.
*Manicens aren't real people, they are just plastic, so don't beat them up.
*Monsters don't live under you'r bed, but in you'r fridge..
*When you eat a cookie, then you wonder where it went, ask you'r friends if they took it.
*Yetties don't like it when you brush their hair.
*Cats don't like water.
*When swimming, putting a penny in you'r goggles and diving down for it isn't going to work.
*Lamps don't work when they are outside and it's daytime.
*When you'r computor shuts down, don't put it in the bathtub, only if you don't want it to work anymore.
*Putting marshmellows in the freezor won't creat a person only frozen marshmallows.
*When mad kicking a door won't fix anything, only give you a furt toe.
*If you kiss the floor it won't kiss you back.
*Days come and go but friends are forever.
The starter of this is PoshFrog
Keep the name on it, go it?