Which Bolimo Would You Be????

16 years, 9 months & 30 days ago
16th May 2008 13:28If your brother/sister comes into your room uninvited, what would you do?
a.give them a cookie
b.ask them nicely to leave, and if they don't,tell politely
c.act tough and bug them until they leave
You ask your friend to come over, but they can't. How do you react?
a.it's okay, they can come over another time.
b.invite another friend,so you can still have fun
c.show up wherever they are going
and bug them about not coming over
Someone on marapets wants you to trade them something great for an item you have like a million of. What do you think?
a.give it to them, they are my friend
b.tell them something a little more valueable would be better,
but you'll think about it
c.send them a maramail rejecting their offer that consists of "are you serious, do you really think I would trade for that?"
What do you think of the color black?
a.it isn't a happy color at ALL-I don't like it
b.It's okay because, without black, colors wouldn't exist
c.my favorite-I wear it all the time
What would be your dream date??
a.jumping on a trampoline for three hours straight surrounded by giant lollipop trees
b.dinner-I'll pay half the bill and tip
c.rock concert
Last Question:If you got one of the following wishes to use to change the Earth,what would it be?
a.Everyone to be happy all the time. It could really help us, plus, it's fun being happy.
b.PEACE.if we had peace,the world could be alot better. We would have better ways of solving problems than fighting and wars.
c.For me to be the ruler of everything. Then, I could finally get everything I have always wanted!
If you answered mostly A's you are an Elf Bolimo:
You are sweet, happy, cheerful and bright.You love having people around with you, and don't need to be the center of attention.You are almost always smiling, which makes you great to be around.
If you answered mostly B'c,you are a Funky Bolimo:
You try to find the bright side of things, but are still logical, and don't always need things your way.You have great taste in friends and make ethical choices. You have a very peaceful attitude, so you almost never get in fights with your friends.Even if you don't get what you want, you find ways to still have fun.You don't mind being different,and it's only your true friends that matter.
If you answered mostly C's,you are a Dark Bolimo:
You act tough, and want things your way. If you don't get them, you will bug people, or get revenge.You don't care how,you just want things your way.You like loud things and don't mind when things are dark or scary.
If you got a tie, or there weren't most of anything, you are just a normal,happy,Bolimo marapet!: You are happy,kind,and want things to turn out the way you want them to, but are okay when they don't.Things that you care about and are important to you are the best things in life.
Thank you for taking my quiz, and I hope the bolimo you turned out to be really matches your personality.