missions, temples, and random stuff.

16 years, 10 months & 7 days ago
5th May 2008 14:12Dear ViCKAHY, Congratulations! You were one of the 2008 Halloween Pumpkin Hunt Winners! You were Number 428 and have been rewarded with a Hot Dog Trading Card! If you were in the top 250, you also received 1,000,000MP.
Thank you for playing and supporting Marapets.
Gold account upgrade was bought with game given credits. I bought the Geek upgrade but did not get the enchanted geek ercuw plushie.
Thank you for finishing my mission on time. Here is your reward..
Silver Viotto Potion and 1,000,000MP!!
Please come back tomorrow for your next mission!
Temple of Transformation; (Keys)
Temple of Transmogrification; (Hiero)
Temple of Transubstantiation; (Runes)
Blitzen Mission -
Completed - December 10th, 2008.
Silver Viotto Potion, Blitzen Avatar 1 million mps.
Circus Mission -
Completed - July 30th, 2008.
White Zoosh Potion, Circus Avatar, 100k.
Rubbish Dump Mission -
Completed - May 18th, 2008.
Green Rusty Potion, Twins Avatar, 100k.
Trunx Mission -
Completed - Unknown
Red Phanty Potion, Trunx Avatar, 100k