16 years, 10 months & 22 days ago
22nd Apr 2008 00:00HomerJ-HomerJ is 12 years in mara ages and is very intelligent. He is very friendly to younger members of the family, especially Furoshia. At the moment, he has been going on daily trips out with Furoshia and his other brothers and sisters. An adopted pet that can be so loyal to others even though hes had a hard time finding a home.
Furoshia-Furoshia is 4 years old in mara and loves her big brother HomerJ to bits! She is also very helpful and always helps with whatever she can! She is very active and loyal to her brothers and sisters and defends them when she can. She does not mind being the youngest in the family, in fact, she loves it! She was adopted, but feels right at home!
Cola__Coke-The oldest member of the family, this girl has also gone through adoption of many homes but has now settled in her most favourite place! Cola__Coke is 15 and LOVES art and bossing around her younger teen siblings! She is a cheeky monkey but she fits right in and everyone loves her!
Aliance-Second oldest at 14 years old, was also adopted but a long long time ago and It is now almost as if he was never at the pound! His favourite day of the year is Christmas as it is the one time he can really celebrate with his brilliant costume!
Big_Brother-13 years old and always being stuborn. He will refuse to do almost everything! It's hard to even make him eat a simple piece of broccoli! Always listening to his ipod and never listening to anyone else, I don't know how we'll survive. But this big brother does have a soft side and loves his brothers and sisters alot. But I can see why he was disowned!
Safety.Pin-This 11 year old has a story. One day I traded my beloved pet, Crikdapho so I could train Safety.Pin but I never got my pet back. But Safety.Pin still has a place in our family especially with her artistic gift and her big love for BANANAS!