
16 years, 11 months & 10 days ago
5th Apr 2008 08:57~~Completed Goals~~
???Get a million marapoints
???Get a costume
???Get an angel Azul- Swiftheart gave me the enchanted angel Azul Plushie- Thank You Swiftheart
???Find a good club- I am in Fortune and it is awesome!
???Get a devil Azul
???Get an LE
???Get a Lightfairy Azul- Thanks to ladylexushighmark for sending me one
???Get 10k bp
???Get 20k bp
???Get 100 avatars.
???Earn 2 million mp.
???Earn 2 million mp.
???Get 50k bp.
???Get 5 million mp
~~Not Completed Goals~~
???Get 20k rp
That is all my goals for now but you can help me out by donating any Azul or Feliz items to my gallery, they don???t have to be expensive.