
16 years, 11 months & 27 days ago
21st Mar 2008 20:34RedPaw
Part wolf part dog....
Total hero....
Redpaw is a wolf honored by all the only one to have thought to go back to the human's territory to free the other wolves in captive.As this feirce wolf struggles to free his family and members of the clan he has bigger worries,the arctic freeze.After an entire season of journeying back to his pace dissaster strikes and his best friend is killed.Redpaw is a great wolf and known to all as RedPaw the great
Daghter of crystal star leader of the Forestclan.Every cat in forestclan cannot forget about this wonderful leader who pulled them threw in their worst times,Whitestar is known for her determination and well being,This brave leader led the battle against shadowclan this strong leader will never be forgotton.Tradagy strikes when this leader goes missing!You can be part of the legacies by joining some of my most popular topics!!