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22:41:34 MST
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Eleka's Castle
Queen Eleka, the self-proclaimed leader of all that is dark and evil in Marada, is finally opening her secret Academy of Witchcraft and Wizardry to the public. With so many Apprentice Wizards in Marada, now is the time to for wand practice. As the ghosts approach, draw the symbols above each of them to attack.

Earn 1MP per 2 Points. Earn up to the maximum of 2,000MP each play.

You can play Apprentice Wizard up to 3 times per day for FREE. Game resets at 00:00MST. Here is the Prize List

Earn 1MP per 2 Point
2,000MP max per play
Bonus Prizes
8 items
0 / 3
Plays Today
0 Total Plays

Resets at 00:00MST
in 1 hour and 18 minutes
High Scores
My Top Score 0