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00:31:09 MST
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Place a new sugar cube to the top of the stack and try to take a sugar cube from the stack below. If you knock over the pile, the game will be over and the player who added a sugar cube before you will win the Jackpot. If you manage to take a sugar cube from stack, you may be able to keep the gourmet Sugar Cube. You may also win a random bonus prize or a stat for one of your pets. The last jackpot was 204,668MP won by lovelykamikaze on 13th Mar 18:44:59 when Cappygirl knocked over 591 Sugar Cubes.

You can play Sugar Stack for 1,000MP once every 30 minutes. Here is the Prize List.

The Jackpot is currently 661,656MP
pinkjasper just added #1,988 to the stack