Love + galactic treasure chests = no wigs :(
11 years, 11 months & 7 days ago

6th Apr 2013 15:39
All I want are the wigs sigh

2x Female arrow heart shirt
heart underwear
love dress
rose dress
x2 starbert
starry contacts
starry boxers
space crindol plushie
enchanted crindol plushie
Wish I'd had something other than those shirts in the love box, but guess I cant complain T_T
As for that galactic box...worst box ever

i didn't get any female clothes at all, ??5 well spent haha
Congratulations! You are a winner in last month's
11 years, 11 months & 11 days ago

2nd Apr 2013 12:51
Congratulations! You are a winner in last month's Monthly Checklist!! You have won ??15 Account Upgrade Credit!!!
Be sure to enter the new Monthly Checklist for this month for more chances to win.
Thank you for playing and suppporting Marapets
YAY! My first time entering!
The resurrections was a success! Here is your n
11 years, 11 months & 17 days ago

27th Mar 2013 07:10
The resurrections was a success!
Here is your new Red Pythonix minipet.
I decided to just use my red blood instead

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