Mara Goals
15 years, 7 months & 13 days ago

30th Jul 2009 16:05
Aimee - Fairy Sindi [x]
Beth - Firefairy Rofling []
Carla - Angel Chibs [x]
Diana - Fairy Chibs [x] - 8th July 2009
Ellie - Angel Mordo [x] - 24th December 2009
Frances - Black Basil []
Freya - Fairy Fasoro [x]
Halie - Royal Chibs []
Jane - Furry Chibs [x]
Kendra - Fairy Jessup []
Lillian - Detective Mordo [x]
Launa - Grey Chibs [x]
Melisa - Christmas Viotto [x]
Mitchel - Midnight Tantua [x]
Nel - Love Lati [x]
Odette - Icefairy Phanty [x]
Rosanne - Prision Mordo [x]
Rowena - Baby Leido []
Ellie - learn every music instrument up to 1 []
Ellie - learn every music instrument up to 10 []
Diana - read every book available [] 177/212
Diana - become statted over 50 [x]
Diana - become statted over 100 [x]
Diana - become statted over 150 [x]
Diana - become statted over 200 []
Diana - become statted over 250 []
Diana - become statted over 300 []
Jane - watch every DVD available []
Finish Tarquin [x] Times 4
Prizes: [Yellow Poera Potion] [Witch Poera Potion] [Ghost Poera Potion] [Sketch Poera Potion]
Finish Troll [x] Times 1
Prizes: [seasonal oglue potion + 500,000MP]
Finish Blitzen [x] Times 1 [Black Viotto Potion]
Finish Trunx [x] Times 1 [Yellow Phanty Potion]
Finish Fugunzel [x] Times 3 [Prizes: Orange Troit Potion + Green Troit Potion + Red Troit Potion]
Finish Fates []
Finish Mafia [x] Times 1 [Pink Puccu Potion]
Finish the Rubbish Dump [x]Times 1 [Green Rusty Potion]
Finish Petinnary [x] Times 1 [Pink Arinya Potion]
Key Temple [x] x2
Rune Temple [x] (Want to turn Diana Fairy =] 8th July 2009)
Rune Temple [] (Turn Carla Angel)
Hiero Temple [] (Turn Beth Rofling)