Things I want to trade for makeup edition
1 year, 9 months & 28 days ago

16th May 2023 12:40
Looking to get these collections padded out, if I am trading expensive items I quite likely will want something from the following list.
BE ADVISED I would much rather trade for multiple cheaper items that add up to the price of my items than one very expensive item that is equal in cost.
Eye makeup
Aries Eye Shadow
Christmas Eye Makeup
Gothic Eyeliner
Pisces Eye Shadow
Pisces Sparkle Eye Shadow
Skull Eye Makeup
Snowflake Eye Makeup
Thief Eye Makeup
Thin Eye Liner
Trapeze Eye Shadow
Wadjet Eye Makeup
Eye makeup colours
Darkest Red Eye Makeup Powder
Deep Purple Eye Makeup Powder
Golden Blonde Eye Makeup Powder
Golden Brown Eye Makeup Powder
Grey Thistle Eye Makeup Powder
Mint Eye Makeup Powder
Neon Green Eye Makeup Powder
Ocean Eye Makeup Powder
Olive Eye Makeup Powder
Pale Yellow Eye Makeup Powder
Purple Eye Makeup Powder
Salmon Eye Makeup Powder
Soft Green Eye Makeup Powder
Teal Eye Makeup Powder
Thyme Eye Makeup Powder
True Cyan Eye Makeup Powder
Violet Eye Makeup Powder
Face Makeup
Aries Blush
Blood Splattered Mouth
Cobweb Face Makeup
Dirty Face Makeup
Elf Blush
Evil Clown Face Makeup
Face Glitter
Forest Berry Makeup
Gentle Blush
Glasgow Smile
Homeless Face Makeup
Left Eye Scar
Pumpkin Face Paint
Reindeer Eye Makeup
Skull Face Sticker
Sneaky Clown Face Paint
Sugar Skull Face Makeup
Summer Blush
Sunscreen Face Makeup
Thin Blusher
Tragic Clown Face Makeup
Vintage Clown Makeup
Voodoo Face Paint
X Face Sticker
Things I want to trade for
2 years, 2 months & 15 days ago

29th Dec 2022 18:52
I WILL NOT TAKE YOUR SPARE EVENT ITEMS FOR MY AU ITEMS. I WILL MORE THAN LIKELY REJECT THIS SORT OF OFFER. I paid ACTUAL money for these things I'm not taking your free event spares for them. Au for au or ub only. Exceptions made for musical instruments or particularly hard to get clothing or over offers.
Ultimately I go for any female clothes that are elegant or pretty, I like dresses, wigs and contact lenses.
On the top of my list for collection are all the female Gemini clothing items namely the wig, contacts and shirt