What type of anime character are you?
17 years, 4 months & 18 days ago

27th Oct 2007 15:51
What do you like to wear?
a. A punk rock clothes.
b. Some nice and cute that you love so much.
c. Don't really care.
If you were in a fight, what is your stratergy?
a. Get tough and rely or your strength.
b. Try to avoid the fight, but if you have to, use agility and speed.
c. Balance your attack and defense evenly.
You're alone in the woods with no food, what would you do?
a. Rely on your high-tech phone to call for help.
b. Use common sense to find your way out.
c. Walk through the forest, hoping to find light.
If you could fly, what would you do first?
a. Fly over to your friends and start bragging.
b. Start doing flips.
c. Hide your power and only use it when needed.
Your friend disappears one day.
a. "He/she will come back."
b. "Oh no! Maybe he/she got kidnapped! I gotta go save em!"
c. "I should just tell the police and look for him a little myself."
If you answered mostly a's you are a future kid who's spoiled, and relies on technology.
If you answered mostly b's you are a neko (cat person). You are happy most of the time and are always upbeat.
If you answered mostly c's you are a hidden warrior. You seem normal, but you have spirit and are different than what other people think.