17 years, 6 months & 13 days ago

31st Aug 2007 22:46
I just received the most amazing gift in the entire world in my inventory. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!! YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ah I'm in awe I never would have been able to afford this item!!!!
hey guess what?
17 years, 7 months & 24 days ago

22nd Jul 2007 03:51
Wanna know the LEAST coolest person in mara?
Well I'll tell you!!
His name is thexgreatfullxninja, also known as MAPLE MAN.
And he is WAY uncool!
So don't talk to him, cuz he'll just spread his uncoolness onto you!!!
17 years, 8 months & 5 days ago

10th Jul 2007 05:10
It really shouldn't be a big deal, but why does everyone mention everybody possible EXCEPT me in their lookups? lol
Makes me kinda sad. Oh well! :-P <3
Gracie: 2.9 left :-P
Note to self:
17 years, 8 months & 9 days ago

5th Jul 2007 13:56
SweetassSugar owes me an Enchanted Furry Doyle Plushie.
17 years, 8 months & 19 days ago

25th Jun 2007 16:54
Well to celebrate the fact that I finally beat the evil deer, I am going to start collecting the Viotto potions. I had a bronze one a few weeks ago but decided to use it on a pet. :-O I never ever everrrrr had any intentions of owning a LE pet until recently. I thought my pets needed a complete revamp. :-]
My crystal collecting is going pretty well, I'm almost at 1000 of them. My goal is 5000 but it gets thrown off with all of the training for Bygone & Intercepted. That's okay though, their stats make it worth it!!! :-] I've slowed down on collecting diamonds, though. Just seems like the university will NEVER be out. Boooooo. :-[ It's okay though I have a good 700 of them right now, hoping to get more soon.
Glowing strawberry eggs have been collecting well. People have been sending them to me left and right, too. THANKS SO MUCH FOR THAT! :-]
I should probably start buying more scholarships though. I'm slackin on those!
I need to take a time out to recognize all of my marafriends. I cannot believe how generous you all are. I cannot even describe how many birthday presents I've already received, and my birthday is not until Wednesday!!!! lol You guys make this website so worthwhile its ridiculous. I love you all!!