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Current MaraGoals: #RereleaseRetiredChests2017

I collect A Whole Chicken's, if you help my cause and I'll personally invite you to the big dinner once I have enough of them.


THANK YOU, Catherine.
Thanks to her, Honey became a Willa again ♥

A big THANK YOU to Saltiest.
Without her, I would have never ever owned a Lightfairy Yuni


Art by Nim
  1. RIP CTM #6
    5th May 2018 12:09
    6 years, 10 months & 12 days ago
  2. Pet Goals
    27th May 2017 18:57
    7 years, 9 months & 20 days ago
  3. Thanks for collecting the Whirlpool Treasure Map.
    18th May 2017 18:42
    7 years, 9 months & 29 days ago
  4. MaraHow: How to Price Check
    25th Dec 2016 17:59
    8 years, 2 months & 22 days ago
  5. You have completed the Simerian Explorer Treasure
    21st Dec 2016 17:31
    8 years, 2 months & 26 days ago
  6. You have completed the Enchanted Plushie Instructi
    9th Dec 2016 15:46
    8 years, 3 months & 7 days ago
  7. You have completed the Premium Hair Treasure Map
    28th Nov 2016 13:48
    8 years, 3 months & 18 days ago
  8. Queen of 'A Whole Chicken' Collection Dedicatory
    20th Nov 2016 20:36
    8 years, 3 months & 26 days ago
  9. Goals
    20th Jan 2016 20:33
    9 years, 1 month & 27 days ago
  10. Poison Pit Log
    23rd Dec 2015 04:01
    9 years, 2 months & 25 days ago

Queen of 'A Whole Chicken' Collection Dedicatory
8 years, 3 months & 26 days ago
20th Nov 2016 20:36

Thanks to the following people, my collection has grown more than a genetically altered chicken:

- Tisha
- Furresoto
- Molecule
- Hermes
- 707
- Pixel
- GreenMousee
- berryblast
- ambrosia435
- cherryblossom13
- redditor
- MissyFeedxox
- Rozs
- PianoLover755

9 years, 1 month & 27 days ago
20th Jan 2016 20:33

Things I can actually remember putting an effort on getting

Undying Woods Festival 2015 [COMPLETED]
Entering Pumpkin Hunt 2015's Top 250 [COMPLETED]
Poison Pit Treasure Map [COMPLETED]
Pisces Contact Lenses [COMPLETED]
Dental Insurance Treasure Map [COMPLETED]
Foxfire Pond Treasure Map [COMPLETED]
"Make It Rain" avatar [COMPLETED]
Own a Candy Willa [COMPLETED]
Own a Tundra Troit [COMPLETED]
Aquarius Treasure Chest [COMPLETED]
Shop Pricer Giftbox [COMPLETED]*
Aquarius Wig [COMPLETED]
Libra Underskirt [COMPLETED]*
Enter the Top 250 of the Valentine's event [COMPLETED]
Own all of the Aries wardrobe items COMPLETED

Restocked a Bun Wig
"Last bought from the Wigs Shop by moonpride at 22nd Dec 2016 05:32 PM"

On November 28th, 2016 I completed the Rusty mission

* Bought with previously owned AUs

Next goal:

- Get to enough gourmet food for a sweet bun wig
- Get 400 stamps
- 1850 / 3700 Gourmet Food

Poison Pit Log
9 years, 2 months & 25 days ago
23rd Dec 2015 04:01

On Decemeber 23rd, after 2 months and 18.55M (to be exact) MPs later, I completed the map at hand and this... is my log Cool

This blog was inspired by Ashley's Poison Pit blog

** = Not added yet.
Last Update: 05/03/2016

Dipped Items: 189

Gym/Elite Stats: 92/189 - 48.68%
Olympic Points: 7/189 - 3.70%
Retired Items: 1/189 - 0.53%
Poison Items: 6/189 - 3.17%
Disappeared: 23/189 - 12.17%
Skins: 4/189 - 2.12%
MPs: 9/189 - 4.76%
BPs: 33/189 - 17.46%
RPs: 11/189 - 5.82%
AUs: 0/189 - 0%

December 23

* You dipped Gigantic Fairy Mallet into the Poison Pit and Keleen has gained 1 stamina stats.
* You dipped Free Male Plastic Surgery Coupon into the Poison Pit and Disillusionn has gained 1 level stats.

December 24

* You dipped Medlar into the Poison Pit and Pasqualle has gained 1 health stats.
* You dipped Bleach into the Poison Pit and Hybodus has gained 1 defence stats.

December 25

* You dipped Piece of Broccoli into the Poison Pit and it's now 12 Olympic Pts!
* You dipped Gigantic Fairy Mallet into the Poison Pit and it's now Poison Pie.

December 26

* You dipped Eleka Tombola Book into the Poison Pit and it's now 130 BP!
* You dipped Blue Eye Cookie into the Poison Pit and Hybodus has gained 1 strength stats.

December 27

* You dipped Black Balloon into the Poison Pit and it's now 161 BP!
* You dipped Yellow Eye Cookie into the Poison Pit and Hybodus has gained 2 balance stats.
* You dipped True Cyan Lipstick into the Poison Pit and Tsukipie has gained 1 defence stats.

December 28

* You dipped Chokeberry into the Poison Pit and Disillusionn has gained 1 strength stats.
* You dipped Lemon Floor Cleaner into the Poison Pit and it disappeared.
* You dipped Coriander into the Poison Pit and it disappeared.

December 29

* You dipped Cauliflower into the Poison Pit and it's now 4,622 MP!
* You dipped Gigantic Fairy Mallet into the Poison Pit and all of your pets have gained 1 stamina stats!
* You dipped Two Scoops Rainbow Ice Cream into the Poison Pit and it's now 220 BP!

December 30

* You dipped Renat Notepad into the Poison Pit and a ll of your pets have gained 1 strength stats!
* You dipped Lima Beans into the Poison Pit and it disappeared.

December 31

* You dipped Yellow Yakubi Plushie into the Poison Pit and it's now 10 Olympic Pts!

January 1

* You dipped Gigantic Fairy Mallet into the Poison Pit and Disillusionn has gained 1 balance stats.

January 2

* You dipped Gigantic Fairy Mallet into the Poison Pit and it's now 159 BP!

January 3

* You dipped Tombola Stamp into the Poison Pit and Keleen has gained 1 speed stats

January 4

* You dipped Yellow Gumball into the Poison Pit and it disappeared

January 5

* You dipped Gigantic Fairy Mallet into the Poison Pit and Hybodus has gained 1 health stats.
* You dipped Rock Gumball into the Poison Pit and it's now 143 RP!
* You dipped Hand Cake into the Poison Pit and it's now 1,524 MP.

January 6

* You dipped Tombola Stamp into the Poison Pit and it's now Poison Pancake.

January 7

* You dipped Gigantic Fairy Mallet into the Poison Pit and it disappeared.

January 8

* You dipped Grilled Fish Burger into the Poison Pit and Keleen has gained 1 speed stats
* You dipped Piece of Broccoli into the Poison Pit and Keleen has gained 1 balance stats.
* You dipped Sparkle #16 into the Poison Pit and it disappeared.
* You dipped Grilled Fish Burger into the Poison Pit and Hybodus has gained 1 stamina stats.

January 9

* You dipped Yellow Gumball into the Poison Pit and All of your pets have gained 1 stamina stats!
* You dipped Tanning Salon Ticket into the Poison Pit and all of your pets have gained 1 strength stats!
* You dipped Sponge into the Poison Pit and Hybodus has gained 1 defence stats.

January 10

* You dipped A Bone of Ham into the Poison Pit and it's now 11 Olympic Pts!
* You dipped Half of a Sponge into the Poison Pit and Tsukipie has gained 1 defence stats.
* You dipped Yellow Gumball into the Poison Pit and it disappeared.

January 11

* You dipped Yellow Gumball into the Poison Pit and it's now 1,448 MP!
* You dipped Birch Swatter into the Poison Pit and Keleen has gained 1 strength stats

January 12

* You dipped Coriander into the Poison Pit and It's now 217 BP!
* You dipped Yellow Gumball into the Poison Pit and all of your pets have gained 1 balance stats!
* You dipped White Chocolate Quell into the Poison Pit and it's now 158 BP!
* You dipped Feliz Wand into the Poison Pit and it's now 143 RP!

January 13

* You dipped Moon Toilet into the Poison Pit and Disillusionn has gained 1 stamina stats
* You dipped Avocado into the Poison Pit and it's now 109 BP!
* You dipped Bolimo Magazine Jan 2016 into the Poison Pit and it's now 163 RP!

January 14

* You dipped Apple Floor Cleaner into the Poison Pit and Tsukipie has gained 1 strength stats
* You dipped Wipes into the Poison Pit and Tsukipie has gained 1 speed stats
* You dipped Yellow Gumball into the Poison Pit and Tsukipie has gained 1 speed stats

January 15

* You dipped Furry Sink into the Poison Pit and It's now 236 BP!
* You dipped Enpiah News Aug 2015 into the Poison Pit and Hybodus has gained 1 stamina stats
* You dipped Coriander into the Poison Pit and Tsukipie has gained 1 speed stats
* You dipped Tombola into the Poison Pit and it's now 216 BP!

January 16

*You dipped Brussel Sprouts into the Poison Pit and it's now 5 Olympic Pts!
* You dipped Reese Wand into the Poison Pit and Hybodus has gained 1 strength stats
* You dipped Tantua Magazine Jan 2016 into the Poison Pit and Disillusionn has gained 1 coordination stats

January 17

* You dipped Yellow Gumball into the Poison Pit and it's now 11 Olympic Pts!
* You dipped Jar of Blueberry into the Poison Pit and it's now 945 BP!
* You dipped Anis into the Poison Pit and it disappeared.

January 18

* You dipped Fish Eyes into the Poison Pit and it disappeared.
* You dipped Gigantic Fairy Mallet into the Poison Pit and it's now 170 BP!
* You dipped Bleach into the Poison Pit andt's now 137 BP!
* You dipped Azul Backpack into the Poison Pit and it's now Acid Rock!

January 19

* You dipped Gigantic Fairy Mallet into the Poison Pit and all of your pets have gained 1 balance stats!
* You dipped Eggplant into the Poison Pit and it's now 230 BP!
* You dipped Tombola into the Poison Pit and hybodus has gained 1 speed stats

January 20

* You dipped Chicken Fingers into the Poison Pit and it's now 100 RP!
* You dipped Fish Eyes into the Poison Pit and it disappeared.
* You dipped Tombola into the Poison Pit and Gelure has gained 1 stamina stats

January 21

* You dipped Fish Eyes into the Poison Pit and Gelure has gained 1 balance stats
* You dipped Gigantic Fairy Mallet into the Poison Pit and it's now 183 RP!
* You dipped Rock Gumball into the Poison Pit and Tsukipie has gained 1 level stats

January 22

* You dipped Jar of Pumpkins into the Poison Pit and it disappeared
* You dipped Gigantic Fairy Mallet into the Poison Pit and Disillusionn has gained 1 stamina stats
* You dipped Gigantic Fairy Mallet into the Poison Pit and it's now 4,212 MP!

January 23

* You dipped Yellow Gumball into the Poison Pit and Gelure has gained 1 level stats
* You dipped Rubber Gloves into the Poison Pit and it's now a retired Enpiah News Mar 2011!!!
* You dipped Undying Tombola Book into the Poison Pit and it's now 171 BP!

January 24

* You dipped Rock Gumball into the Poison Pit and Gelure has gained 1 coordination stats
* You dipped Gigantic Fairy Mallet into the Poison Pit and Tsukipie has gained 1 strength stats
* You dipped Blue Gumball into the Poison Pit and it's now 110 BP!

January 25

* You dipped Eleka Tombola Balloon into the Poison Pit and Tsukipie has gained 1 health stats.
* You dipped Fake One Dukka Coin into the Poison Pit and it's now Poison Cider!
* You dipped Orange Chocolate Yakubi into the Poison Pit and Hybodus has gained 1 coordination stats.

January 26

* You dipped Tombola into the Poison Pit and Tsukipie has gained 1 strength stats
* You dipped Eleka Tombola Book into the Poison Pit and Gyuuniku has gained 1 defence stats
* You dipped Gigantic Fairy Mallet into the Poison Pit and it's now 206 BP!

January 27

* You dipped Dustpan into the Poison Pit and it's now 239 BP!
* You dipped Aquamarine Fragment into the Poison Pit and it's now 204 RP!
* You dipped Tombola into the Poison Pit and Gelure has gained 1 health stats.

January 28

* You dipped Yellow Gumball into the Poison Pit and Hybodus has gained 1 level stats.
* You dipped Eleka Tombola Book into the Poison Pit and Gelure has gained 1 stamina stats.
* You dipped Osafo Sword into the Poison Pit and it disappeared.

January 29

* You dipped Wet Potato into the Poison Pit and it disappeared.
* You dipped Confused Pumpkin Lolly into the Poison Pit and Gyuuniku has gained 1 strength stats.

* You dipped Chocolate Ghost Ice Cream Lolly into the Poison Pit and Hybodus has gained 1 health stats.

January 30

* You dipped Yellow Gumball into the Poison Pit and Gyuuniku has gained 1 coordination stats

January 31

* You dipped Gigantic Fairy Mallet into the Poison Pit and Gyuuniku has gained 1 balance stats
* You dipped Undying Tombola Book into the Poison Pit and Gelure has gained 1 health stats

February 1

* You dipped Gigantic Fairy Mallet into the Poison Pit and it's now 2,591 MP!
* You dipped Giant Fruit Stamp into the Poison Pit and Hybodus has gained 1 strength stats
* You dipped Giant Fruit Stamp into the Poison Pit and it's now Spiked Pear!

February 2

* You dipped Gigantic Fairy Mallet into the Poison Pit and Gelure has gained 1 speed stats
* You dipped Tombola into the Poison Pit and it's now 183 BP

February 3

* You dipped Tombola into the Poison Pit and LoiisLane has gained 1 level stats
* You dipped Utility Brush into the Poison Pit and LoiisLane has gained 1 speed stats

February 4

* You dipped Broom into the Poison Pit and it's now 119 RP!
* You dipped Undying Tombola into the Poison Pit and it's now 174 BP
* You dipped Yellow Gumball into the Poison Pit and Tsukipie has gained 1 stamina stats

February 5

* You dipped Tanning Salon Ticket into the Poison Pit and LoiisLane has gained 1 stamina stats
* You dipped Yellow Gumball into the Poison Pit and Gelure has gained 1 defence stats
* You dipped Yellow Gumball into the Poison Pit and it's now 4,292 MP!

February 6

* You dipped Fish Eyes into the Poison Pit and it's now 170 BP!
* You dipped Broom into the Poison Pit and it's now 4,530 MP!

February 7

* You dipped Yellow Gumball into the Poison Pit and all of your pets have gained 1 level stats!
* You dipped Broom into the Poison Pit and Keleen has gained 1 balance stats
* You dipped Quell Dagger into the Poison Pit and it disappeared
* You dipped Yellow Gumball into the Poison Pit and LoiisLane has gained 3 defence stats

February 8

* You dipped Grilled Fish into the Poison Pit and it disappeared.
* You dipped Trash Potato into the Poison Pit and Hybodus has gained 1 level stats

February 9

* You dipped Gigantic Fairy Mallet into the Poison Pit and it disappeared
* You dipped Windscreen into the Poison Pit and LoiisLane has gained 1 balance stats
* You dipped Gigantic Fairy Mallet into the Poison Pit and it's now Tiger Skin!
* You dipped Undying Tombola Book into the Poison Pit and it disappeared

February 10

* You dipped Tanning Salon Ticket into the Poison Pit and it disappeared.
* You dipped Broom into the Poison Pit and Gyuuniku has gained 1 defence stats

February 11

* You dipped Eleka Tombola Book into the Poison Pit and LoiisLane has gained 1 coordination stats
* You dipped Undying Tombola Book into the Poison Pit and it's now 241 BP!

February 12

* You dipped Wipes into the Poison Pit and Keleen has gained 1 health stats
* You dipped Undying Tombola Book into the Poison Pit and Keleen has gained 1 stamina stats
* You dipped Broom into the Poison Pit and Gyuuniku has gained 1 level stats

February 13

* You dipped Broom into the Poison Pit and it's now 131 BP
* You dipped Gigantic Fairy Mallet into the Poison Pit and it's now 190 BP!
* You dipped Yellow Gumball into the Poison Pit and it disappeared.

February 14

* You dipped Gigantic Fairy Mallet into the Poison Pit and it's now 134 RP!
* You dipped Wipes into the Poison Pit and all of your pets have gained 1 speed stats!
* You dipped Wipes into the Poison Pit and it's now Poisoned Potato!
* You dipped Grilled Fish into the Poison Pit and it's now 151 BP!

February 15

* You dipped Polo Shirt into the Poison Pit and it disappeared.
* You dipped Yellow Gumball into the Poison Pit and it's now 141 BP!
* You dipped Broom into the Poison Pit and it's now 1,998 BP!

February 16

* You dipped Undying Tombola Book into the Poison Pit and LoiisLane has gained 1 strength
* You dipped Wipes into the Poison Pit and LoiisLane has gained 1 balance stats
* You dipped Gigantic Fairy Mallet into the Poison Pit and it's now Magma Skin!
* You dipped Undying Tombola into the Poison Pit and Tsukipie has gained 2 strength stats

February 17

* You dipped Undying Tombola Book into the Poison Pit and LoiisLane has gained 1 defence stats
* You dipped Grilled Fish into the Poison Pit and Gelure has gained 1 health stats
* You dipped Eleka Tombola Stamp into the Poison Pit and it's now Poison Pie!

February 18

* You dipped Undying Tombola Book into the Poison Pit and it disappeared.
* You dipped Fiddlehead into the Poison Pit and it's now Poison Cider

February 19

* You dipped Cornsalad into the Poison Pit and it's now 168 BP!
* You dipped Eleka Tombola Book into the Poison Pit and it's now 180 RP!
* You dipped Eleka Tombola Book into the Poison Pit and it's now Ball Joint Skin

February 20

* You dipped Gigantic Fairy Mallet into the Poison Pit and LoiisLane has gained 1 coordination stats!
* You dipped Yellow Gumball into the Poison Pit and Gyuuniku has gained 1 speed stats!
* You dipped Carrot into the Poison Pit and it's now 3,304 MP!
* You dipped Undying Tombola Book into the Poison Pit and it's now 210 BP!

February 21

* You dipped Grilled Fish into the Poison Pit and it's now 760 MP!

February 22

* You dipped Bathroom Spray into the Poison Pit and it's now 208 RP!
* You dipped Tombola into the Poison Pit and Amoureuses has gained 1 strength stats

February 24

* You dipped Yellow Gumball into the Poison Pit and Gelure has gained 1 defence stats
* You dipped Tombola Tunes into the Poison Pit and it disappeared.

February 25

* You dipped Gigantic Fairy Mallet into the Poison Pit and all of your pets have gained 1 level stats!
* You dipped Piece of Broccoli into the Poison Pit and all of your pets have gained 1 stamina stats!

February 26

* You dipped Undying Tombola into the Poison Pit and Amoureuses has gained 1 coordination stats
* You dipped Endive into the Poison Pit and it's now 135 BP!
* You dipped Mutant Ideus Plushie into the Poison Pit and Gyuuniku has gained 1 balance stats

February 27

* You dipped Celery into the Poison Pit and all of your pets have gained 1 strength stats!

February 28

* You dipped Blue Gumball into the Poison Pit and it disappeared
* You dipped Tombola into the Poison Pit and Hybodus has gained 1 health stats

February 29

* You dipped Wipes into the Poison Pit and Tsukipie has gained 1 coordination stats
* You dipped Chill #49 into the Poison Pit and it's now 1,856 BP!
* You dipped Yellow Gumball into the Poison Pit and Tsukipie has gained 1 level stats

March 1

* You dipped Yellow Gumball into the Poison Pit and it's now 559 BP!
* You dipped Wipes into the Poison Pit and it's now 111 RP!
* You dipped Two Scoops Rainbow Ice Cream into the Poison Pit and DrizzyDrake has gained 1 defence stats

March 2

* You dipped Eleka Tombola Book into the Poison Pit and it's now 11 Olympic Pts!
* You dipped Wipes into the Poison Pit and it's now 11 Olympic Pts!

March 3

* You dipped Wipes into the Poison Pit andbAmoureuses has gained 1 coordination stats
* You dipped Berry Milkshake into the Poison Pit and it's now 198 BP!

March 4

* You dipped Fiddlehead into the Poison Pit and Amoureuses has gained 1 strength stats
* You dipped Silver Leido Plushie into the Poison Pit and Seduisant has gained 1 speed stats
* You dipped Piece of Broccoli into the Poison Pit and it's now 148 BP!

March 5

* You dipped Undying Tombola into the Poison Pit and Seduisant has gained 1 level stats
* You dipped Starry Gumball into the Poison Pit and it's now Tuxedo Cat Skin!
* You dipped Starry Gumball into the Poison Pit and Amoureuses has gained 1 speed stats

March 6

** You dipped Starry Gumball into the Poison Pit and all of your pets have gained 1 level stats!
** You dipped Piece of Broccoli into the Poison Pit and Hybodus has gained 1 coordination stats

March 13

** You dipped Undying Tombola Book into the Poison Pit and it's now 219 BP!

March 14

** You dipped Yellow Gumball into the Poison Pit and. it's now 3,758 MP!
** You dipped Undying Tombola Book into the Poison Pit and Tsukipie has gained 1 strength stats

March 15

** You dipped Undying Tombola Book into the Poison Pit and it's now 6 Olympic Pts!
** You dipped Furry Sofa into the Poison Pit and Appoggio has gained 3 level stats

March 8

** You dipped Tombola into the Poison Pit and it's now 6 Olympic Pts!
** You dipped Tombola into the Poison Pit and Tsukipie has gained 1 defence stats

March 17

** one Scoop - 1,184 BP
** You dipped Gigantic Fairy Mallet into the Poison Pit and Tsukipie has gained 1 level stats
** You dipped Eleka Tombola into the Poison Pit and all of your pets have gained 1 level stats!

March 18

** You dipped Tanning Salon Ticket into the Poison Pit and it disappeared.
** You dipped Undying Tombola Book into the Poison Pit and all of your pets have gained 1 stamina stats!

March 19

** You dipped Eleka Tombola into the Poison Pit and Hybodus has gained 1 level stats
** You dipped Undying Tombola Book into the Poison Pit and it's now 191 BP!
** You dipped Wipes into the Poison Pit and it disappeared.

March 20

** You dipped Starry Gumball into the Poison Pit and all of your pets have gained 1 balance stats!
** You dipped Shakira #17 into the Poison Pit and it's now Spiked Orange!

March 21

** You dipped Yellow Gumball into the Poison Pit and Tsukipie has gained 1 speed stats
** You dipped Bokchow into the Poison Pit and Hybodus has gained 1 coordination stats

March 22

** You dipped Yellow Gumball into the Poison Pit and it's now 199 BP!
** You dipped Starry Gumball into the Poison Pit and Hybodus has gained 1 defence stats

March 23

** You dipped Yellow Knutt Plushie into the Poison Pit and it's now 221 BP!
** You dipped Candy Cannon Chain into the Poison Pit and Appoggio has gained 1 health stats

March 24

** You dipped Eleka Tombola into the Poison Pit and Hybodus has gained 1 level stats
** You dipped Starry Gumball into the Poison Pit and it's now 3,855 MP!

March 25

** You dipped Anis into the Poison Pit and it's now 145 RP!
** You dipped Starry Gumball into the Poison Pit and Hybodus has gained 1 level stats

March 26

** You dipped Yellow Gumball into the Poison Pit and it's now 12 Olympic Pts!
** You dipped Starry Gumball into the Poison Pit and it's now 227 RP!

March 27

** You dipped Starry Gumball into the Poison Pit and Hybodus has gained 1 stamina stats
** You dipped Starry Gumball into the Poison Pit and it turned into Poison Drink!

March 28

** You dipped Green Minnoth Skull into the Poison Pit and Keleen has gained 1 coordination stats

March 29

** You dipped Starry Gumball into the Poison Pit and it's now 113 BP!
** You dipped Wipes into the Poison Pit and Tsukiepie has gained one stamina stats

Mach 30

** You dipped Pale Yellow Hair Dye into the Poison Pit and it's now 3,737 BP!
** You dipped Window Cleaner into the Poison Pit and it's now 165 BP!
** ou dipped Wipes into the Poison Pit and it's now 1,606 MP!

March 31

** You dipped Wipes into the Poison Pit and Appoggio has gained 1 defence stats
** You dipped Yellow Gumball into the Poison Pit and Keleen has gained 1 coordination stats
** You dipped Anis into the Poison Pit and it's now 7 Olympic Pts!

April 1

** You dipped Gigantic Fairy Mallet into the Poison Pit and it's now 4,502 MP!
** You dipped Red Zetlian Plushie into the Poison Pit and Keleen has gained 1 coordination stats
** You dipped Undying Tombola Book into the Poison Pit and it's now 2,689 MP!

April 2

** You dipped Gigantic Fairy Mallet into the Poison Pit and it's now Poison Pearl!
** You dipped Piece of Broccoli into the Poison Pit and it's now 4,209 MP!
** You dipped Artichoke into the Poison Pit and Appoggio has gained 1 stamina stats

April 3

** You dipped Wipes into the Poison Pit and Hybodus has gained 1 stamina stats
** You dipped Starry Gumball into the Poison Pit and Appoggio has gained 1 defence stats

April 4

** You dipped Orange Heart Lolly into the Poison Pit and it's now a retired Dakota Magazine Nov 2012!!!
** You dipped Yellow Gumball into the Poison Pit and Keleen has gained 1 level stats
** You dipped Yellow Gumball into the Poison Pit and it disappeared.

April 5

** You dipped One Scoop Rainbow Ice Cream into the Poison Pit and it's now 7 Olympic Pts!
** You dipped Yellow Gumball into the Poison Pit and it's now Oily Skin!
** You dipped Gigantic Fairy Mallet into the Poison Pit and Appoggio has gained 1 strength stats

April 6

** You dipped Mist Blue Face Makeup Dye into the Poison Pit and. Keleen has gained 1 balance stats
** You dipped Yellow Gumball into the Poison Pit and it disappeared.
** You dipped Rusty Stamp into the Poison Pit and Hybodus has gained 1 strength stats

April 7

** You dipped Knutt Stamp into the Poison Pit and Keleen has gained 1 strength stats
** You dipped Arazzi #18 into the Poison Pit and Hybodus has gained 1 defence stats

April 8

** You dipped Starry Gumball into the Poison Pit and it's now 211 BP!

  1. RIP CTM #6
    5th May 2018 12:09
    6 years, 10 months & 12 days ago
  2. Pet Goals
    27th May 2017 18:57
    7 years, 9 months & 20 days ago
  3. Thanks for collecting the Whirlpool Treasure Map.
    18th May 2017 18:42
    7 years, 9 months & 29 days ago
  4. MaraHow: How to Price Check
    25th Dec 2016 17:59
    8 years, 2 months & 22 days ago
  5. You have completed the Simerian Explorer Treasure
    21st Dec 2016 17:31
    8 years, 2 months & 26 days ago
  6. You have completed the Enchanted Plushie Instructi
    9th Dec 2016 15:46
    8 years, 3 months & 7 days ago
  7. You have completed the Premium Hair Treasure Map
    28th Nov 2016 13:48
    8 years, 3 months & 18 days ago
  8. Queen of 'A Whole Chicken' Collection Dedicatory
    20th Nov 2016 20:36
    8 years, 3 months & 26 days ago
  9. Goals
    20th Jan 2016 20:33
    9 years, 1 month & 27 days ago
  10. Poison Pit Log
    23rd Dec 2015 04:01
    9 years, 2 months & 25 days ago