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RustHeart, AKA Rusty
Rusty Hoarder

Account Info:
Votes : No
Pet Lending : Yes
Pet Exchange Lending : Yes
Item Lending : No

  1. Missing Costumes Graphics
    2nd Sep 2024 01:11
    6 months, 9 days & 17 hrs ago
  2. Pet Goals
    17th Jun 2022 21:54
    2 years, 8 months & 25 days ago
  3. Rusty Twins Runs
    31st Jul 2021 04:59
    3 years, 7 months & 12 days ago
  4. Pet Info and Goals
    31st Mar 2018 14:08
    6 years, 11 months & 12 days ago
  5. Halloween Poera Collection
    25th Feb 2018 12:14
    7 years & 17 days ago
  6. Goals
    23rd Feb 2018 21:00
    7 years & 18 days ago
  7. Daily Checklist
    17th Feb 2018 11:22
    7 years & 25 days ago
  8. Dream Pets
    14th Feb 2018 20:12
    7 years & 27 days ago
  9. Roorah Archive and Information
    17th Jan 2018 16:45
    7 years, 1 month & 25 days ago
  10. Tritail Archive
    15th Jan 2018 17:54
    7 years, 1 month & 26 days ago
Tritail Research Center
7 years, 1 month & 27 days ago
15th Jan 2018 15:29


Welcome to the tritail research center!
Here we research (duh), breed and adopt out tritails. Here is where you can learn everything about these creatures and how to get one of your own.

What is a tritail?

A tritail is a small canine with small upright ears and three large tails. They are very smart and tend to be trouble makers. They are good pets if you keep a close eye on them or else you may turn around to see your pillow ripped apart.
In the wild tritails are solitary creatures and only meet when they need to breed. They only produce one pup but sometimes will produce twins.

Could I breed my own tritails?
Only common tritails can be bred. When you breed two tritails you will get a new one of a color that is not sold here and can only be acquired through breeding.

If you were to breed a yellow tritail with a red one you would get an orange baby.
The markings of the baby is randomly chosen between the two parents.

Simply message the owner of the research center, RustHeart, to breed your tritails. It costs 7k, a slight discount to the price of non bred commons.

How do I get one?
We adopt out many different basic colored tritails here. Anyone can get one any time. However every once in awhile the colors will change so check back often to see if any new colors are available.

There is a rarity for each tritail based off of how many people can adopt them before they run out.

Common - Everyone can adopt this tritail
Uncommon - Only 5 people can adopt this tritail before they run out
Rare - Only 2 people can adopt this tritail before they run out

There are also auctions for special tritails. These auctions will be posted in the art fourms. These tritails are one of a kind and no one else will ever have one so get it when you can!

Here is where you can see the current tritails available as well as links to any currently running auctions.
In order to adopt one you must buy a gumball matching the price of the tritail in my shop then comment which one you would like. It would be great if you sent the gumballs back!

**Red Fox Tritail**

**Blue Fox Tritail**

**Yellow Fox Tritail**

Portal, Tarquin, Shop Till and More!
10 years, 4 months & 1 day ago
12th Nov 2014 01:09

Sips_ is now wearing the balloon costume!

You have 131,321MP in your Shop Till

You have 140,286MP in your Shop Till

You have 146,576MP in your Shop Till

You have 257,202MP in your Shop Till

You have 259,697MP in your Shop Till

You have 0MP in your Shop Till
Emptied for poera potion.

Book Collection Pet: Sets
Fails: 3
Fail at level 16.
Fail at level 28.
Fail at level 28.
Finishes: 0
Current Level: 9

Level: 1
Book: Encyclopedia L
Price: In collection already
Prize: Wormy Apple

Level: 2
Book: Equilor Book
Price: In collection already
Prize: 240mp

Level: 3
Book: Eleka Tombola Book
Price: In Collection Already
Prize: Tarquin T Shirt

Level: 4
Book: Collecting Stars
Price: 1,294 mp
Prize: 500 mp

Level: 5
Book: Dark Spell Book
Price: In Collection Already
Prize: Tarquin Shield

Level: 6
Book: Candyland Book
Price: In Collection Already
Prize: 750mp

Level: 7
Book: Bound Purple Book
Price: In Collection Already
Prize: 1,000mp

Level: 8
Book: Encyclopedia M
Price: In Collection Already
Prize: Tarquin Book

Candy Land
Level 19

Candy Tree
101 Times, no costume

Pet Goals

Skeleton Costume Realism
10 years, 5 months & 14 days ago
29th Sep 2014 10:50

Please note I am no animal skeleton expert, I am only eye balling the animal pictures from google and the pets.

We all know that Newths are penguins and Daisys are bulls, ext. But they could have different skeletons right? I mean they are not really the real life animal, they are just based off them. So how close are they structure wise to their real life counterparts? We can tell by the eleven skeleton pets. These pets are Newth, Daisy, Huthiq, Kidlet, Paffuto, Quell, Renat, Snookle, Troit, Xoi and Zoosh. I personally have no idea what a Troit or Xoi are based off of so we are going to cut them out.
Also a Huthiq is an Alien so we can't compare that, but it does appear to have a human skeleton.
But what about the Paffuto? Clearly its a fish but what kind of fish? The Paffuto changed drastically during its update and looks like a completely different breed.
Judging by the chibi costumed Paffuto it appears to be a shark, but since the skeleton Paffuto was never updated we cannot see if it has the skeleton of a shark and since a shark has no bones it wouldn't work anyway.
So now we are down to six pets, the Newth, Daisy, Quell, Renat, Kidlet and Snookle.
Lets start with the Quell. We know its counterpart is a beaver. Yes I know what your thinking, 'But the Justin is a beaver!' Yeah Yeah I know but look at this description for the Quell in the Marapets Colors.
"The Quell loves rivers and is often found making dams in the Maradan reservoirs, unfortunately halting the water supply."
What other animal makes dams in rivers? Not Otters like what I thought the Quell was. It must also be a beaver along with the Justin pet.
There isn't anything that stands out too much in a beaver skeleton but the head, but sadly the skin on the skeleton costumed pets are still on their heads so we cannot see their skull. Overall it just looks like a typical skeleton and does appear to match the Quell.
Next we have the Newth. We don't need any descriptions to tell what they are, clearly they are penguins. A penguin skeletion has something that really stands out in it. The lack of ribs around the front part of the body. Instead it has a large bone protecting the lungs. It also has a V shaped collar around the neck. The newth does have both of these so it does have a similar structure to the penguin.
Next up is the Daisy, which is clearly a cow. Things that stand out in a cow skeleton is that the ribs do not cover the whole belly. This is something the Daisy Skeleton doesn't match. Another thing that doesn't match is that the Daisy seems to not have hooves as a skeleon and a cow does. However it matches the spines along the cow's back and the small boned tail. So the Daisy isn't a 100% match to the cow, but it is close.
Next we are going to go on to the Kidlet. At first I wasn't sure what a Kidlet was based off of but the description yet again saved me saying this,
'The Kidlet is a farm pet who will eat anything from ice cream to the Marada newspapers and magazines!'
From that we can tell the Kidlet is a goat. A goat skeleton, like the cow, doesn't have a rib cage that covers the whole body but this time Kidlet matches it. The goat has small spines along the back which the Kidlet also has. The goat has two toes which the Kidlet has. Overall the Kidlet matches the goat skeleton.
Next up is the Renat, the frog. No one will argue that the Renat isn't a frog, just look at it!
Anyway a frog has long legs and long, thin fingers. It pretty much has no rib cage at all. It also has large holes in its private area. All of these traits match the Renat skeleton.
Next is the Snookle. I am not 100% sure but I think it is a raccoon. Judging from the ressults from the other skeletons and their counterparts the Snookle skeleton should look like the raccoon skeleton if it really is a raccoon like I think. The Snookle skeleton looks very close to human, but if you look at a raccoon skeleton and stand it up you can see the similarity. The structure and the small boned tail does seem to match the Snookle.

Overall I believe that the artists did do their research when making the skeleton pets and did make them similar to their animal counterparts.

OLD Art Examples
10 years, 7 months & 3 days ago
10th Aug 2014 10:07

Adult Cheebs. An adoptable.

Baby Cheebs. An adoptable you can only get by breeding two adult Cheebs.

Halloween Poera

Chibi Chibs

Minipet Vlad

Chibi Vlad

Toy Murfin

Daylight Troit

Daylight Renat

Native Gobble

Chinese Vlad

Monster Chibs

Asher. My human OC as a wolf.

Berrystripe. My warrior cat OC.

Dantel. My thing OC.

Issac. My wolf OC.

Key. My lion OC.

Number 43. My cyborg wolf OC.

Snow Shoe. My vorox OC. Also OB.

Hermione. Owned by Echoz from

Lauren. Owned by Zircon from

Some unfinished thing I found in a random folder.

Seer. My soul wolf OC.

  1. Missing Costumes Graphics
    2nd Sep 2024 01:11
    6 months, 9 days & 17 hrs ago
  2. Pet Goals
    17th Jun 2022 21:54
    2 years, 8 months & 25 days ago
  3. Rusty Twins Runs
    31st Jul 2021 04:59
    3 years, 7 months & 12 days ago
  4. Pet Info and Goals
    31st Mar 2018 14:08
    6 years, 11 months & 12 days ago
  5. Halloween Poera Collection
    25th Feb 2018 12:14
    7 years & 17 days ago
  6. Goals
    23rd Feb 2018 21:00
    7 years & 18 days ago
  7. Daily Checklist
    17th Feb 2018 11:22
    7 years & 25 days ago
  8. Dream Pets
    14th Feb 2018 20:12
    7 years & 27 days ago
  9. Roorah Archive and Information
    17th Jan 2018 16:45
    7 years, 1 month & 25 days ago
  10. Tritail Archive
    15th Jan 2018 17:54
    7 years, 1 month & 26 days ago