" Oh Elf ".. Come take a look :)
13 years & 3 months ago

14th Dec 2011 12:50
Oh Elf, I beleive I have been a good girl. I have not been rude or mean, I try to be helpful as much as I can. Granted I know some days my little horns over take my Hallow. But I try and keep them trimmed down so no one can see them. Well I would love for Christmas a Chibs potion, I know I will never receive it. But its nice to try. I thank you so much if you even look at my blog. And understand if I do not get what I asked for. But I did ask santa for a chibs potion last year and he gave me a Cat Chia pet. I dont think he know about marapets lol. Well anyways Merry Christmas to you and Merry Christmas to all

Borrowing Acr Pets
13 years, 7 months & 19 days ago

26th Jul 2011 11:28
I here by___________(feel in name) is borrowing Acr1993
pet______(pets name). For the maximum time of 10 minutes. I will not log off due to any circumstance with the pet I do not own.
I will pay all fees that are owed for Trading and trading back to the owner. Plus- a small tip, unless other wise stated.
Signature________________(your user name)
>>>Copy and Paste this and send it to me in a email AND
Copy and paste this and put it in the Comment box Bellow.
Thank You Amber<<<