Amutuer poem
13 years, 11 months & 5 days ago

10th Apr 2011 14:24
Daydreams keep me wonderin
Will I be that girl
The girl who's beautiful
The girl with blonde hair and blue eyes
The girl who loves to wear pink
The girl who gets you
Will I be that sarcastic girl
The girl who's hair is dyed with so many different colors
The girl with her nosed pierced
The girl with the tatto no one knows about
The girl who finds the guy who understand her
Will I be the girl who saves te day
The girl who was special since she was born
The girl who falls for the wrong guy but it works out
When the daydream ends I'm still me
The girl who is everyones best friend never anything more
The girl who's the smart one
The girl who will never get you
13 years, 11 months & 5 days ago

10th Apr 2011 12:17
I am a freak when it comes to this so if u play I want updates!