Selling List
14 years, 8 months & 23 days ago

20th Jun 2010 20:20

There Are The Items I am Selling

The More You Buy, The Bigger The discount

--Doll Costumes--
Mistletoe Female Costume x1
Mistletoe Male Costume x1
Gift Wrapped Female Costume x1
Mermaid Male Costume x1
--Trading Cards--
Lxi Trading Card x1
Secrets of Simeria Book x11
Pixie Book x6
Undying Book x4
Enpiah Law Book x4
Skater Book x2
Valentine Book x10
Royal Book x2
Chronicles of the Dark x11
Chronicles of the Light x17
-- war items --
Light Side Shirt x1
Light Side Shirt x1
Queen Eleka Pearl x1
King Baspinar Pearl x1
-- Weapons --
Eleka Wand x1
Dice of Doom x1
Flamming axe x3
Flamming fan x1
Gingerbread Wand x1
Snowman Wand x3
Level Booster x2
--Pet costumes--
Witch costume x1
Arumoured Costume x1
Christmas Costume x1
Cotton Candy Costume x1
Love Toilet x1
The Egg x1
Female Sunglasses x1