{N.A& ----> People <33
15 years & 27 days ago

17th Feb 2010 14:53
Faz -- Always mine and forever,really great and funny.Always used to have the best times every,Love Youu <33
xforeverdivax -- Best Thing A Girl Could Have ;] Known her since nursery lol.Got seperated for half a year but now close forever
RHYANA -- The BEST <3 I always stalk you now and then even though you dont notice,hehe.Love your graphics too.
Ash -- Your blimmin pretty as ever gurll <3 A nice girl to talk to and always sweet.
Trx -- Thanks for helping me through out my graphic life whenever I got stuck,ily <3
Alex -- Used to be in art together for a month or so,we used to be the only ones on my chat boxes on meh site,bless us XD
Alex 2 -- Met her in year 8 and it feels like Ive known her since foheva,shes pwnsome and also funny.
Rayla224 -- Your like all of the ones above,I lovee your graphics site and hope we talk everyday.
Therabbit -- Good Friend even though we have our ups and downs.I still lovee yuh and dont forget that (:
Rina7 -- Great Graphic Maker ??? I think we should talk more,always missing you ):
If Ive missed you,please post 8D


{N.A& -->> Note To Staff =D
15 years, 3 months & 17 days ago

27th Nov 2009 11:19
Hello,I use a laptop AND computer
AND sometimes I may use my school computers or laptops or my brothers laptop ;]
My other friends might use them too! Mail me for usernames.
Please do not ban us,thanks!!