About Meh!
15 years, 11 months & 6 days ago

6th Apr 2009 05:33
Well... Hi. If you went through that much trouble to read 'About Meh!' and click it, I guess I should actually give you something to read then, right?
Hm... I have about ten-twenty nicknames. Morgie, Porgie, Porkchop, Morgie Porgie, Polar Bear, Polar Bear, and a bunch of other ones.
My age is of no concern to you, unless I know you quite well. You are, although, entitled to guessing my age. Usually people get it wrong anyway. -shrug-
My birthday is the lovely October 19th. I'm rarely online this day since, of course, it's my birthday!
I am obsessed with the following:
Ouran HSHC
Harry Potter
Making mental videos with meh buddies.
Kingdom Hearts
And roleplaying.
My favorite colours are red and black. And don't go trying to insult me by saying, "Ew, you like black, you must be emo!" Won't bug my in the least, because it's the truth, people. Believe it.
I have a deviantART if anyone is interested of looking at it (soon my fanfics wil be up there). http://morgieporgie123.deviantart.com/ be the link.
I also have Quizilla, where I have a Kingdom Hearts fanfic in the making. http://quizilla.teennick.com/user/zemyx/ be THIS link. (:
What else about me...
Well, I know a bit of Japanese. And I know French and English.
I am Canadian, so dont you dare call my American. And I don't live in an igloo, for your information. (:
Good bye now.