My Life
15 years, 11 months & 15 days ago

30th Mar 2009 12:26
My life is confusing at this time, we moved about two months ago and i'm still ajusting. I only have the fake friends that you talk too but they aren't real. Please don't think I want you to be sypathetic it's my problem not yours. On they other hand I do enjoy gymnastics and my kitten,i'm hoping to get another one soon.
~*~*!Aout Me!*~*~
15 years, 11 months & 15 days ago

30th Mar 2009 12:21
My Nick Name is Kell so please call me that in forums and in Mara Mail. I have a Cat named Madam Misjifis Maycie and she is a adorable kitten,she is fisty and out going, but she's to cute! I will except all friend request's and possibly club invites!

enjoy me!