Helpful Marapets Pet Trading Tip #5
11 years, 9 months & 12 days ago

31st May 2013 17:22
Don't offer on a topic saying "any of mine???". The person who set up the topic most likely doesn't want to have to offer on his/her own topic. Don't mail this to people either.
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Helpful Marapets Pet Trading Tip #4
11 years, 9 months & 12 days ago

31st May 2013 14:43
Chibs might be really popular, but this doesn't mean you can underoffer by like 10mil on other pets. Unless ofc the name is super special but thats rare(r?).
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Helpful Marapets Pet Trading Tip #3
11 years, 9 months & 13 days ago

30th May 2013 17:18
Don't make multiple topics on the pet forum about the same thing. Also don't spam offers on one pet. If they reject your first offer, they will most likely reject the second and so on.
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Helpful Marapets Pet Trading Tip #2
11 years, 9 months & 13 days ago

30th May 2013 14:12
This should be common sense, but be nice to people. Don't be so nice that you are irritating like really. Also use correct grammar.
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Helpful Marapets Pet Trading Tip #1
11 years, 9 months & 14 days ago

29th May 2013 19:30
Rofs =/= Basils
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