A Random Me Comes With Random Facts
15 years, 3 months & 4 days ago

9th Dec 2009 09:21
1. I once ate a pickle and chocolate sandwich.
2. When I first learned how to snap my fingers, I would walk around my house snapping repeatedly.
3. Once I gave a hobo money for singing.
4. I knew how to spell the word "thoroughbred" in third grade, it was one of our 'Challenge Words.'
5. I learned the alphabet before I was 1 years old.
6. I knew how to count to ten in Spanish before 3 years old.
7. I hate cake, cupcakes, cool whip, frosting, and Oreos.
8. I can type roughly 70-100 words per minute.
9. The computer I am using right now is around 4 years old.
10. I'm more of a morning person.
11. I don't like the sound of wind.
12. I have a Beanie Baby on my desk when I wrote this.
13. Only two people at my school know I go on Marapets.
14. I've loved the computer ever since I was 3.
15. The lowest grade I've ever gotten in my life on a report card was a C- in third grade. (And that was the only C I've ever gotten on a report card, besides last year in gym class, but that doesn't really count.)
16. I have a friend that I've never got in a 'major' fight with, and she has been my friend since Pre-School, and still remains my friend.
17. I enjoy chocolate chip cookies very much.
18. I collect Rainbow Cakes on Marapets, even though I hate cake in real life.
19. These are all facts of me, and so is this one.